They startled as the butterflies flew away in a stress, flying past Michael and Daniel. After that, Michael saw before the butterflies flew away. "What the hell is happening here?" Flowey asked, seeing MK and Elizabeth, alone, with butterflies coming together into one. "Mike! Dan!" Elizabeth cheered, runs off to Michael, giving him a big hug. "I miss you!" Elizabeth replied. "Yeah! Yeah! But, we got to get out of here quick! Right now!" Michael complained. "Why?" Elizabeth asked. "Because there's nightmarish robotic creatures out here! The ones from Freddy's!" Michael explained. "Oh, you mean Freddy and Bonnie where me and Elizabeth was chased by?" MK asked, walking over to them. "Exactly! We got to move! NOW!" Flowey shouted.

They row to the gap, nearby the yellow ducky. They got out of the boat, but for MK, too complicated without arms. "It's okay, MK, we'll make sure you won't fall off!" Daniel replied, helping. "Why even bring him along!?" Flowey complained. "Cause, he's our friend." Michael answered. "I thought you hate him!" Flowey replied. "Flowey. I did hate him before, but this complains isn't gonna help. Sometimes, friendship is the key." Michael explained. Then, the duck flew up, land on top of MK. "Grr...I hate ducks" MK growled, without realising the duck is lifting him up! "Huh!? The fuck!?" MK panicked as he was drop on the ground. The duck lands on the ground, looking normal. "Did that bird just lift MK up?" Elizabeth asked in shock. "Yeah...What a determined bird." Flowey replied, shocked to see such a strong bird. "Anyway, let's just continue." Michael replied, walking forward. They walk into the centre, exploring while Daniel saved on the Save Point. Elizabeth walks to the north-west, finding a fishy house, black and red, sharp, and unfriendly...She still find it so adorable. "So cute!~" Elizabeth cheered, MK came over, drag her out of the room with his tail. They walk pass Napstablook's house, finding a sign. "North: Block Acres. East: Hotland. ???: Temmie village." Daniel read without using the translate paper. "Wait, there's Temmie village?" Michael asked. "It doesn't say." Daniel responded while Elizabeth checks the Black Acres, it was a snail area. She walks and Napstablook appears in front of her, MK follow behind, keeping an eye on Elizabeth to keep her safe. "Oh...It's you...I'm kind of busy right now..." Napstablook groaned, looking away from Elizabeth. "So...How did it go?" Elizabeth asked. "It went...fine, I guess. He was...bit shock when I visit him, we talk little...Then, after that, we have some food to eat...Afterwards, I left." Napstablook explained. "What did ya talk about with him?" Elizabeth asked, smiling in patience. "Um...How he was in the show, I guess. He was...pretty happy? He seems very down, after that, we talk about each other's life, boring and pathetic as ever. We have MTF-Brand Burger Emporium, just have a double burger and Starfait. It was awkward, he ask me why I visit him. I told him about you, back at the Ruins, he was surprise to find a kind weird creature like you. He reckon you might have his autograph, or ask to be his co-host in the show, or just a fan." Napstablook explained. "I would like to meet him, Mr Napstablook!" Elizabeth cheered, made him blinked widen. "Oh...I guess, he wouldn't mind at all." Napstablook replied. Elizabeth look at the snails behind the fence, then look at Napstablook. "So, what's this place?" Elizabeth asked. "Well, for introduction: Welcome to Blook Family snail farm. I'm the only employee, this place used to get a lot of business, but our main costumer disappeared one day, now it's just a stupid hairy guy comes up once a month. Feel free to check all you want." Napstablook explained. "Yay!" Elizabeth cheered, walk into the snail farm while MK watches. She walks up to the corner left snail. It's just a snail, for some reason, she can't help but wonder what it taste like. She walks up to another snail with a mustache, snail snail. "(A long journey extends in front of you...Reach far and stretch beyond the horizons. So snaileth Sam Byool)" Elizabeth hummed as she walks over to another snail, on top of a man? Or a dummy? "I've been long overdue for a second house..." It spoken. Elizabeth checks out the last snail at the bottom, the snail is counting dollar bills. Elizabeth walks out, then saw another path up ahead, while Michael and Daniel follow MK. "How is she going?" Michael asked, look at MK. "S-She's going just f-fine." MK replied, blushing a bit. Michael stays silent, getting overprotective. "You have a thing with her, don't you?" Flowey asked, been carried by Daniel. "U-Uh!? I mean...That thing you saw back there isn't what you think! We were in The Love Tunnel! The abandon area!" MK explained. "Then, you better watch yourself, MK!" Flowey complained. "Jesus! Fine, it's not like I have interest in her! I-I mean, I do like her! But, doesn't considered as lovers!" MK explained. "Right." Michael replied, crossing his arms. Elizabeth finds a snail race, then Napstablook appeared. "Oh...Hey...You want to play a game?" Napstablook asked. Elizabeth nodded. "Be glad that you don't have to pay. This game is called thundersnail, the snails will race, and if the yellow snail wins, you win. So, want to play?" Napstablook asked after Elizabeth nodded. "Okay, discourage your snail to be faster." Napstablook replied, as the race starts. Slow in steady, Elizabeth encourage her snail in slow speed, as the snail begins to go bit faster. After the race, she won! "Wow, no one won this race. I guess encouragement is better than discouraged, thanks for the advice. Oh, and here is 10Gs for the winner Napstablook replied, giving 10Gs to Elizabeth. Instead, she gives 10Gs to the snail since it deserve payment. She comes back with the boys, ready to leave, done with exploring. "Let's go before we run into Undyne again." Flowey replied. "Yeah, you're right." MK replied, look at Elizabeth. They walk out of the Snail Farm, waving bye to Napstablook. They head east, soon found a shop. "I didn't know a shop could be in waterfalls." Flowey replied, confused. "Pfft! What? It's always been there, ever since the underground was built." MK explained. "Maybe, we could get something inside. Alright, what do we have in our inventory." Michael replied, checked out his inventory, including others. Elizabeth has one cinnamon roll and a half of bisicles. Daniel has two Ice Cream. Michael has 2 cinnamon rolls and one Ice Cream and half of bisicle. "Alright, I think we might need more food for our adventure, let's head to the shop." Michael replied, pulling out 79Gs. "Okay, hope these are enough." Michael replied as he walks into the shop. "I hope this shop keeper isn't an asshole." Flowey replied. "Pfft, he's like the nicest monster there." MK replied. Michael looks around, seeing items on the background, then a turtle comes up with an exploration hat. "Woah there! I've got some neat junk to sale!" The Shop Keeper replied, sounding fun. Michael checks out the items: Crab Apple – 25Gs. Sea Tea – 18Gs. Cloudy Glasses – 30Gs. Torn Notebook – 55Gs. "Um...I would like the Cloudy Glasses and one Crab Apple please." Michael asked. "Here you go, kid!" The Shop Keeper given the Cloudy Glasses and a single Crab Apple to him. Michael try out the Cloudy Glasses, it makes him look nerdy, but makes his strength stronger. "Thanks sir. Um...Tell me about yourself?" Michael asked, giving 55Gs to The Shop Keeper, he now has 24Gs. "I've been around a long time. Maybe too long. Studying history sure is easy when you've lived through so much of it yourself! Wa ha ha!" The Shop Keeper responded, made Michael to giggle. Then, he notices a symbol behind The Shop Keeper. "Hey, what's that emblem behind you?" Michael asked, pointed at the symbol. "Eh? You don't know what that is? What are they teaching you kids in school nowadays...? Wa ha ha!" The Shop keeper ask. "Oh, me and my younger siblings are homeschooled. We don't know much in this world." Michael lied. "That's the Delta Rune, the emblem of our kingdom. The Kingdom...of Monsters. Wahaha! Great name, huh? It's as I always say...OL' King Fluffybuns can't name for beans! Don't bother to call him that, he's a real devil these days." The Shop Keeper explained. "Okay, but what's the emblem means?" Michael asked. "That emblem actually predates written history. The original meaning has been lost to time...All we know is that the triangles symbolize us monsters below, and those three little winged circle above symbolize...Somethin' else. Most people say it's the three 'angels,' from the prophecy..." The Shop Keeper explained. "The Prophecy?" Michael asked. "Oh yeah...The prophecy. Legend has it, an 'angel' well, mostly three, who has seen the surface will descend from above and bring us freedom. Lately, the people have been taking a bleaker outlook...Callin' those three-winged circles the 'Angels of Death.' A harbinger of destruction waitin' to 'free' us from this mortal realm...In my option, when I see that little circle...I jus' think it looks neat! Wahaha!" Michael thought about the king, he does needs to know what he could do. "Is there anything you can tell me about the king?" Michael asked. "King Fluffybuns? He...used to be friendly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy...He used to walk around and socialized. Eh? Why do I call Dreemurr 'Fluffybuns?' Oh, that's a great story! ... I don't remember it. But you can come back later for me to remember it." The Shop Keeper explained. "Uh, what about Undyne then?" Michael asked. "Undyne? Yeah, she's a local hero, some people say, but some haters don't. Through grit and determination alone, she fought her way to the top of the Royal Guard. Actually, she just came through here asking about someone who looked just like you...I'd watch your back, kid. And buys some items...It might just save your hide! Wa ha ha!" The Shop Keeper explained. "Thanks for the info, sir. Bye!" Michael replied, leaving the shop. "Be careful out there, kid!" The Shop Keeper spoke. Michael walks over to the others, who was still at the same place. "The heck are you wearing?" MK asked. "Cloudy Glasses. It induce my shield." Michael explained, checking it out. "That's nice, but let's continue! Before Undyne find us!" Flowey complained. "Undyne just pass this area, looking for us, so, I guess we should move." Michael replied. They walk while Michael explain to them about the Delta Rune, the prophecy, the three angels, which bought Elizabeth an idea. "We are the three angels! We could be the only one to actually free them all!" Elizabeth cheered. "Elizabeth. Sometimes, prophecy are wrong." Michael whispered, rolling his eyes. They walk into the road, finding the sign. "Hurt, beaten, and fearful for our lives, we surrendered to the humans. Seven of their greatest magicians sealed us underground with a magic spell. Anything can enter through the seal, but only begins with a powerful SOUL can leave." Michael read, sadden that their heroes of his childhood turn out to be traitors. They read the next sign. "There is only one way to reverse this spell. If a huge power, equivalent to seven human SOULs, attacks the barrier...It will be destroyed." Michael read. "Huh...But, I thought there'd be other ways than that." Daniel replied, hug his teddy bear. "Scientist has proof, you need seven human souls for a boss monster to destroy the barrier." MK explained. They walk over to the next sign, after crossing a small pond, makes their shorts wet. "But this cursed place has no entrances or exits. There is no way a human could come here. We will remain trapped down here forever." Michael read, sadden by their broken hopes. "Damn. I never thought about this, so many people down here just wants freedom. Humanity goes against monsters of fear of their power, that must be the reason I guess." Michael replied as they walk into another room. It was too dark for them to see, Elizabeth notices blue stuff on the ground, leads to a blue glowing mushroom, she walks over to it, pat it as it ignited up the path, leads to another mushroom. "Smart." MK replied, looked at Elizabeth. They continue the path, then Elizabeth's green soul pops up! Special enemy Temmie appears here to defeat Elizabeth!! Temmie stood there, shaking intense. "Great! Now a temmie is attacking!?" Flowey complained. Elizabeth pressed ACT: Click CHECK: Loves to pet cute humans. But you're allergic! Made Elizabeth confused, she's allergic to temmies? Then, Temmie's attacks started, made Elizabeth's HP down to 15. She pressed ACT: Pressed Talk. "Hi! I'm Elizabeth!" Elizabeth introduce herself to Temmie. "hOI!!! i'm tEMMIE!!" Temmie responded as she spread her attacks on Elizabeth, HP9. Elizabeth spared Temmie while it ran off, Elizabeth ate her bisicle, full HP. "What the heck was that thing?" Michael asked. "Whatever it is, I don't want to know." Flowey replied. The way how Temmie ran off, to a secret area. Elizabeth's curiosity increases as she followed where it leads. It leads to another room, the boys followed, weirded out by this. "Let me guess...Temmie Village." Daniel guessed. "Yep, definitely." Flowey answered. Daniel spotted a sign, reads out. "hOI!! welcom to...TEM VILLAGE!!!" Daniel blinked. They walk forward, having a look around this place. Michael checks out the four temmies. "hOI!!! im temmie!!! and dis is my friend...temmie!!!" The first spoken. "hOI!!! im temmie!!! and dis is my friend...temmie!!!" Second spoken. "hOI!!! im temmie!!! don forget my friend!" Third spoken. Michael and MK checks the last one. "Hi. I'm Bob." It crack Michael to giggled. "Am I high? Did I drink something?" MK asked himself. Daniel checks out the art behind the four tummies: Rich history of Tem, read below the art. Elizabeth checks out one of the Temmies. "awawawawah!! humans...such a...CUTE!!!!" Temmie said. Elizabeth can agree with that. Daniel checks out a temmie with an egg. "tem...WATCH EGG!!! eg...wil HATCH!!! tem...PROUD PARENT!!" Temmie replied, watching the egg. Daniel looks at the egg, it's hard-boiled. Elizabeth checks out the statue in front of her while MK checks out the sign below it. "(Statue of tem...very famus VERY!!!!!!!!!) Daniel walks over to another temmie at the corner. "p...tem heard human allergics to tem...dat OK...tem understan...tem...ALSO allergic to tem!!!" Temmie spoke as allergic spots appear on their face. "When will we get out of here!?" Flowey shouted as he was handed over to Daniel. "After a bit of exploring." Daniel answered. Daniel and Michael checks out the weird blue mushroom, until it start to dance. "Mushroom dance~ Mushroom dance~ Whatever could it mean~" After small lines of singing, it lift their heads, revealing big eyes. "It symbolizes my inner torment, trapped here by my hyphae. My struggle to pull away. My struggle to escape. But alas, to no avail." The mushroom spoken before lowering its head down. Elizabeth gets the feeling of being watched, by looking at Temmie in the hole of the walls. "Yo! There's a shop." MK replied, showing the Afton's children the shop. Michael anxious to go inside along, he grab MK. "You're coming with me!" Michael replied, as he drag MK into the shop. "hOI! welcom to...da TEM SHOP!!!" The Shop Keeper replied, wiggle their tail. Michael and MK sweats as they look at the items, almost all the items are useless. He decides to talk to the Shop Keeper. "Um, hello." Michael replied while MK checks out few of the items. "hOI!!! i'm temmie" The Shop Keeper responded, excitedly. "Tell me about yourself?" Michael asked, crossed his arms, and lay on the counter. "hOI!!! i'm temmie" The Shop Keeper responded. Michael thought about something else. "What's your history of this place?" Michael asked. "us tems hav a DEEP HISTORY!!!" The Shop Keeper responded. "Um...And your shop?" Michael asked, getting uncomfortable. "yaYA!!! go to TEM SHOP!!!" The Shop Keeper responded. "Okay! Nice chat! Let's get out of here, MK!" Michael panicked as he grabbed MK and runs out. "bOI!!" The Shop Keeper responded, waving. Daniel spotted a Save Point; he pat on it. "You feel...Something. You're filled with Determination." Give him giggles what the Save Point responded, Michael and MK walks out. "Okay! Time to go!" Michael panicked as he grabbed Elizabeth's hand, dragging her out of the village. "What's his problem?" MK asked, as he followed. "He freaks out when weird things get into his nerves." Daniel answered. "Yeah, I can tell by his emotions." Flowey replied. "He has Ailurophobia. Fear of cats." Daniel explained. "Ah..." Flowey responded. They walk out of Temmie Village, head to the original way to the next room. The suddenly got darken, MK pressed the blue lantern as Michael read the sign. "Without candles or magic to guide them Home, the monsters used crystals to navigate." Michael read. "So, we just have to keep pressing them?" Elizabeth asked, poke the lantern as it lighten up the room again. "Yep! Let's go!" Michael replied as they begins to walk, touching lanterns to lighten up the room. "Why does this happen?" Daniel asked, wonderment as he poke the lanterns to light it up. "I don't know, I guess it's science." MK guessed. They got pass the lanterns room, but things got so dark, dropping into a pond. "Great, now we're in water, the hardest part!" Michael groaned as they continue walking forward. "As long we're away from Undyne, we're safe." MK replied as they continue walking as they stroll on land. It was difficult since it was so dark, only their eyes lighten the dark, later, they hit a wall and an Echo Flower. "Aw crap!" Michael replied, anger of lost. Daniel listens to the Echo Flower. "Behind you." Daniel turn and gasp. "Guys!" Daniel panicked as he squeeze his teddy bear. They turn and Undyne stood there, stomping forwards. "...Seven. Seven human souls. With the power of seven human souls, our king..." She hesitate a bit. "...King Asgore Dreemurr...will become a god, more like a devil himself. With that power, Asgore can finally shatter the barrier. He will finally take the surface back from ruthless humanity...And give them back the suffering and path that we have endured. Do you understand, humans? This is your only chance at redemption. Give up your souls...Or I'll tear it from your body." Undyne spoken as she summon a red spear into her strong hands. She stomps closer and closer while the Afton's Children hugged together. But MK ain't lettin' it happen! He jumped on Undyne. "LEAVE THEM ALONE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" MK shouted, attacking Undyne. Three stood there in terror, barely move. Then, Undyne grabbed MK by the tail, hanging him upside down. "YOU AND I ARE GOING TO HAVE A SERIOUS TALK, KID!" Undyne shouted as she drag MK away. "MK!" Elizabeth cried. "Don't worry about me! Run!" MK shouted as they disappeared. Michael comforted Elizabeth's cries while Daniel went ahead, finding more Echo Flowers. "...Hmmm...If I say my wish...You promise you won't laugh at me?" Daniel checks the next Echo Flower. "Of course I won't laugh!" Daniel walks up ahead while Flowey start speaking. "We should wait for the others, they might get worried about us." Flowey replied. "I'll wait for them." Daniel replied, checking out the next Echo Flower. "Someday, I'd like to climb this mountain we're all buried under. Standing under the sky, looking at the world all around...That's my wish." It whispered. Daniel walks up to another Echo Flower, hearing laughter in it. "...Hey, you said you wouldn't laugh at it!" Daniel walks up to the last Echo Flower. "Sorry, it's just funny...That's my wish, too." It whispered. Daniel blinked, feeling relax by the look of the Echo Flower. Then, he saw a sign, he walks up to it and read it. "However...There is a prophecy. The Three Angels...Who Has Seen The Surface...They will return. And the underground will go empty." Daniel read with his translate paper, later after reading it, Elizabeth and Michael came along. "Hey Dan." Elizabeth replied, looking sad. "How are you holding up?" Flowey asked. "Sad. I miss MK already." Elizabeth answered. "We miss him too, but for now, let's get a move on, he'll be fine." Michael replied as they stroll out of the room. Leading to a bridge area, they walk nearly across, until MK's voice echoed. "Yo!" Elizabeth gasp as soon she hear his voice, MK walks over then Elizabeth give MK a big hug. "I miss you!" Elizabeth cheered. "I miss ya too. Um...Let's go..." MK replied, they were about to leave until notices that MK isn't following. "MK? What's wrong?" Michael asked. "Um...Can I tell ya something?" MK asked, looking sadden. "What is it, MK?" Elizabeth asked. "Before I met ya, I've...never love anything...I hate Snowdin, I hate those stupid skeletons, I hate Undyne...I family...sis...I...never even love myself, I tried so hard to ignore it but hurts so much, it makes me shut my mouth up. I used to have friends but...God! They're backstabbers!" MK complained, which made Michael feel about his friends. "They're toxic! They always try to change who I am! They always ask burrow or take! Always take my money every time I tried to get food for my stupid sister! They always talk shit about me and my not-arms! It angers me! I even anger myself why I was born without arms! I blame myself for been born...Until you came." MK explained, look straight at Elizabeth. "You've...pulled something heavy from my chest ever since you first talk to me. For a moment there, I thought you three are another toxic friends, but...How much you care for me, how soft you are, how important love was...But, I still barely knew who I am." MK replied. Elizabeth smiled and place her hands on MK's cheeks. "You are you! You're MK! Be yourself! You can change your attitude, but don't change your personality and your soul! Sometimes in life, we hate our family, but we can't really hate our family, they can be so important to us, if your parents and your sister cared about you, you should be thankful that you got a family! Cause, some children don't have any. So, try and be grateful for what you need, not what you want!" Elizabeth cheered, made MK's chest feel warm, something lighten. He begins to cry, pulled Elizabeth into a hug with his tail, Elizabeth hugged back, patting his back. For the very first time in MK's life...He smiled, Michael and Daniel, taking Flowey into a group hug with MK and Elizabeth. After a long hug, they let go after MK feel more brighter and better. "Thank you, 'Lizabeth. I should go now, your path just leads to Hotland, just a few walks away." MK replied, about to walk away. Then, Elizabeth tug his tail. "Wait! Where are you going?" Elizabeth asked, fearful. "Home, to my family. I'm going to tell them how grateful I am to have what I need, not what I want. I'll tell them about you three too, to prove that any human can be a softie marshmallow as you are." MK replied, smiling brighter. Brought a smile to their faces, MK walks away. But the brightness end after he trip and fallen, he nearly fallen into the spikes but grip his teeth on the bridge. "MK!" Elizabeth shouted as soon Undyne comes here. Elizabeth doesn't care about her, all she cares about is MK, she runs and slide towards MK while Michael and Daniel followed. Elizabeth grabbed MK but fallen with him, till Daniel grab her ankles and Michael helped to pull Elizabeth and MK up. After that, Undyne watch the whole scene, making her step backwards. MK looked at Undyne, then growled. "Sorry, Undyne. But, I won't let you take my friends away from me! I don't fuckin' care if they're humans or not! They can be purple people without a type! If you want to hurt them, you have to go through me first!" MK replied, in a death stare. Undyne hesitate, stood there, can't tell by her expression but movement, seems shock. Soon, Undyne walks away, MK's expression turns normal, he turns and look at the Afton's Children. "She's gone...For now, thanks for saving me, for a second there, I thought I never get to see my family ever again." MK replied. "You will see them but be careful." Michael replied, pat MK's shoulder. "I will...Next time, heh...Later dudes! Including you 'Lizabeth!" MK cheered as he ran off, looking bright and happy, like never before. Elizabeth smiled, blushed to actually see MK real smile. "It's great to see him smile, but we got to move." Michael replied as they walk. "Man, I never seen...a bad monster smile, like innocently." Flowey replied. "You probably should get to know them better instead of thinking they are deadly." Daniel replied. "I wasn't—" While they have their conversation, continuing walking down the path. Then, stop as soon a cave was in front of them. "Oh shit...Look!" Michael replied, pointed the sky, seeing Undyne at the top of the cave. "Seven. Seven human souls, and King Asgore will become a god. Six. That's how many we have collected thus far. Understand? Through your seventh and final soul, this world will be transformed. First, however, as is customary for those who make it this far...I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people. It all started, long ago..." She hesitate while they listened, then she changed her mind. "No, you know what? SCREW IT! WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU THAT STORY WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE!?! NGAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" She shouted as the Afton's Children closed their eyes, once they open them, there was a helmet on the ground in front of them, they look up at Undyne, revealing her face-reveal. Sharp teeth, blue skin, an eye-patch on her right eye, she has red hair in a ponytail, resembled as a fish. "YOU! You're standing in the way of our freedom! Dr Alphys' history books made me think humans were cool...with their giant robots and flowery swordswoman. BUT YOU? You're just a coward! Hiding behind that stupid kid so you could run away from me again! And let's not forget your wimpy goody-two-shoes-schtick!" Undyne pointed at Elizabeth, who's wearing the ballet shoes and tutu. "Oooh! I'm making such a difference by hugging random strangers! You know what would be more valuable to everyone? IF YOU WERE DEAD!!! Step forward once you are ready!" Undyne replied, as soon she said it, Daniel notices a Save Point, he run over to the Save Point, pat on it. "The wind is howling. You're filled with Determination." "Crap! Did you save!?" Michael shouted, looked at Daniel, who nodded. Then, Michael step forward, ready to fight Undyne. "WAIT! MICHAEL!" Daniel panicked, wasn't expecting Michael to go into battle. "Ready!? No more running away!" Undyne shouted, strike down with her spear at Michael. "Mike!" Elizabeth cried. Daniel's blue soul appeared in front of her, Undyne change her soul into lightest green. "En guarde!" Undyne spoken as Michael take her turn. "Uh..." Michael pressed CHECK: The heroine that NEVER gives up. "As long as you're GREEN, you CAN'T ESCAPE! Unless you learn to face danger head-on...You won't last a SECOND against ME!" Undyne shouted, summoning red spears at him. Michael's green shield appeared in his arm, quickly blocking her attack, Undyne flashes a menacing smile. Michael pressed ACT: pleaded. "Undyne! Please! This doesn't have to be this way!" Michael pleaded. "Not bad! Then how about THIS!?" Undyne responded, summoning more spears in different direction around him. It was still easy, but he has a sick feeling in his stomach that things will get even harder, it smells like sushi. He pressed Mercy, continue on the fight. "For years, we've craved to revenge humanity...And now, darkness is just within our strength to grow stronger!" Undyne replied, summoning more red spears across different direction, Michael knew it was getting harder and harder, he avoid some but got hit, 19HP. Undyne towers threateningly, almost threatening enough to cause anxiety towards Michael. He pressed Spare. "I won't let you destroy our chances!" Undyne growled, summoning more spears, it was hard, he was hit, 15HP. He pressed Spare again. "NGAHHH! Enough dodging them!" Undyne shouted, mustering almost enough spears to finish Michael, luckily, he dodge them all, blocking every path to keep himself and his siblings safe from the Head of the Royal Guard. Then, once his soul turns blue again, he saw a spear about to come this way, he duck as it flew over him. Undyne bounces impatiently. "I've got better to do." Michael responded as he pressed Flee once his heart is red. "RUN!" Flowey shouted, panicking. They run pass Undyne, leaving her confused. They run into the cave, halfway there, but Undyne catch up, grabbed Michael. Now, they are in battle once again. "You won't get away from me this time!" Undyne shouted, Michael starts panicking. Soon, he pressed spare. "Honestly, I'm doing what we desire, human..." Undyne responded, targeting spears at north and south, Michael avoid it good, didn't get hit. Undyne thinks of her enemies and pounds the ground with her fists, emotion of anger. "God, can this end?" Michael asked, pressing Spare. "No humans has EVER made it past ASGORE!" She roared, attacking Michael once again. On the west side, a slow spear coming in, but soon as he unexpected, a sharp spear attack out of the direction. He gasp and block their way into him, afterward, he blocked the slow spear. He looks back at Undyne, seeing her flashes a menacing smile. He pressed Mercy, keep on sparing Undyne. "Killing you now is pleasure of our freedom!" Undyne replied, not accepting his mercy. She summons spears at him, it was a fast one, but managed to avoid her speed attack, Undyne flips her spear impatiently. He spared her once again. "Stop sparing me and stop being resilient!" Undyne shouted, noticing his sparing act. Spears strike out, Michael dodge them out! He pressed Flee once his heart is red. Once he ran out of the battle, Undyne got confused once again, start stomping towards Michael. Later in the back room, they saw a sign, "Welcome-" Undyne catches Michael again. "You've escaped from me for the LAST time!" Undyne shouted. Michael groaned, tired of fighting her, he keeps sparing her. "Alphys told me humans were determined..." Undyne responded, summoning a new attack. Michael blocked the originals, then saw a yellow spear, he block it, then it flips over him and strike him behind, HP13. "Mike!" Flowey shouted, feared. Undyne holds her fist in front of her and shakes her head. "I didn't believe her at first, but I see now what she meant by that!" Undyne replied, summoning more of the flipping attacks. Shit, more of those are coming! Michael thoughted, look at his direction. He managed to block them, hard but got it straight, he spared Undyne. "But I'm determined, too! I'll prove it to Asgore!" Undyne shouted, using the speed attack. Michael block their way, including the flips, he looked at Undyne, seeing her draw her finger across her neck, sweated Michael as he anxiously spared Undyne. "I'll prove to him! That I am stronger and determined than HE is! So, let's end this RIGHT NOW!" Undyne shouted, summoning stronger spears, causing him to have HP5. He grabbed a half bisicle, as increase his HP to 16. "...RIGHT NOW!" Undyne shouted, urging for success. Michael avoid her attack, angering increases in her. "...RIGHT.........NOW!!" Undyne shouted, Michael gets hit twice! HP11. "Mike!" Daniel cried, that has been there this whole time. "Ha...Ha..." Undyne laughed, not giving Michael a turn, she moved her spears again. Michael gasp as he block and avoid, he looked at Undyne, she suplexes a huge boulder, just because she can. He pressed Spare again, scored Undyne's top rage. "NGAHHH!!! DIE ALREADY, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Undyne shouted, sharpen spear stroke in! Michael soon knew they are flipping spears! He gets hit three times, down to HP2. He ate a Crab Apple, maxed out his HP to the top. He pouted! Ready for another round! Sooner than he realise, his soul is red. He pressed Flee, getting out of the battle. They look at the sign, seeing the lights up there. "Welcome to Hotland!" Then, Elizabeth stops once the phoned ringed, she lift her hand up, stopping Undyne, leaving her confused. "Elizabeth! What are you doing!? She's gonna get us!-" Flowey saw Undyne, standing there, waiting while tapping her foot to the ground, impatiently. It took Flowey's speech away. Elizabeth answered the call. "Hello?" Elizabeth asked, smiling. "HELLO HUMAN! SANS TOLD ME THAT HE WILL PICK YOU UP AT THE POST, I'VE ALSO BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOUR PAJAMAS, WHAT IS YOUR SIZE?" Papyrus asked. "Err...I'll answer that, Elizabeth." Michael replied, taking the phone. After a bit of conversation, it was time to go. "Alright, thanks, bye...RUN!" Michael panicked, as they begin to run as Undyne have the head start. She grabbed Michael. "STOP RUNNING AWAY!!!" Undyne shouted, angrily. Michael flee again! They ran out of the room, panicking, then they saw Sans sleeping in his post. "Sans! Sans! Wake up!" Michael shouted. "Forget him! Run!" Flowey complained, shaking his leaves. They ran towards the bridge; Daniel looked back and saw Undyne slowing down. "Is she tiring out?" Daniel asked, confused as they got across the bridge, seeing Undyne crawling. "Armour...So...Hot...But I can't...Give up..." Undyne spoken, before dropping her head down on the bridge. "Now's our chance! Let's get out of here!" Flowey replied. Daniel checks Undyne's temperature, super-hot. He look around, finding a water cooler, he walks up to it, grabbing a cup of water. "Daniel! What are you doing!?" Flowey complained, expecting Undyne to get up and drag Daniel into the lava with her. Before he pour the cool water on her, a familiar voice connected. "Heya, you've just went pass me." Sans responded, that was behind them this whole time. "Finally, you're awake, we were chased by Undyne." Michael responded, pointed at her that's laying on the ground. "Sheesh, I should've stayed awake, sorry about that, kids." Sans responded. "C-Can I pour water on her? She's seemed boiling." Daniel asked, looked at the fish. "Sure, but, get behind after that." Sans responded. Daniel poured water on Undyne, quickly hide behind Sans'. Undyne shot up, confused what just happen. "Heya, Undyne. How's it going?" Sans asked, holding the cup. Undyne growled, knew she has lost the three humans, she stomps away. Once she is gone, Sans moved out of the way. "She's gone, kids. You ready to go?" Sans asked, standing in front of them. "Yeah...I think we have enough today." Michael nodded, responding Sans' question. "Alright, c'mon here, 'Lizabeth." Sans replied, picking up Elizabeth and grabbed Daniel's hand, while Michael tuck Sans' jacket. Then, Sans snap his fingers, and disappear mite air.

They appeared in front of Sans' house. "Alright, we're here, kids." Sans replied as they head up the door. Sans open the door, letting the kids inside. "Alright, bro! We're home!" Sans replied, putting Elizabeth down. "GREAT! I WAS JUST FINISH MAKING BEDS FOR THEM!" Papyrus replied, coming out of his room. "You've made beds for us?" Michael asked. "OF COURSE I DID! I MADE ONE FOR 'LIZABETH AND TWO FOR YOU BOYS!" Papyrus replied. "I'LL BE MAKING DINNER WHILE YOU DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, JUST DON'T GO SILLY MODE!" Papyrus replied, walked to the kitchen, making dinner. They walk upstairs, finding Elizabeth's bed in Papyrus' room and the boys' beds in Sans room, which seems to be a clean room. "My bro always grudge me to clean my room." Sans replied. "Oh...At least you don't get bugs and smelly air in your room." Michael replied, walking in as he open the window, feeling the cold air rush in. He look outside, not getting interested what was going on outside, but for Daniel, he checks, finding nice trees and seeing some people at the back. He gets out of the window, decides to have a walk in Snowdin. He walks out of the house, heading down to town, having a break from the battle with Undyne. Later on, he saw MK talking with a younger, and female, near the centre tree, they seems to be siblings. His little sister doesn't have arms, wearing white and pink lined sweater, with a cute purple bow on her sweater's neck, and on her side head, she has adorable red eyes, if it blinks, it warmed someone's hearts. They were having a great conversation. Daniel couldn't help but smile that MK is brighter and better, he heads to the library, having look of the books. It's a good thing he got the translate paper, reading some history and learning some education what needs to be told in school. After a short break, he comes back to the Skele-bros house. He walks inside, seeing Papyrus already finish cooking: Spaghetti. Daniel tried his best, not to get emotional, after what happen in Toriel's house, but it was worth to cry out to feel welcomed and safe. "AH, DANIEL, ISN'T IT? YOU'VE JUST MADE IT FOR DINNER! ENJOY!" Papyrus responded, washing his hands. Daniel sat down, enjoying the plate of spaghetti. "No way! I aren't eating that!" Flowey complained, keeping spaghetti away from him. "It's not that bad, Flowey. I tried it before." Elizabeth replied, feeding Flowey. "I'm positive it's poison!" Flowey complained. "Oh my god...Flowey, you said that when we tried Mum's pie, nothing ever happen! Stop expecting something bad will happen...Well, some, yes, but...I think, you're just worried too much." Michael replied. After dinner, they clean up and put a movie on. The only movies they found was from the surface, Shrek, Scooby-Doo movie, Ice Age and Happy Death Day. "Maybe, Ice Age, I wasn't sure if Scooby-Doo would be appropriate for you." Michael replied. "Nah, it's alright, I've seen that movie, to be fair, it was funny. But...I'm confused a bit, are they famous? What do they do? I know what they can do, but...What's their history?" Sans asked. "They are famous in almost all TV's shoes, what they do is track down people who dress up as monsters to scare people off. But some monsters aren't always fake, like you." Michael explained. "Yeah, I get that from Papyrus. But, why does humans wear fake monsters to scare them off?" Sans asked, confused. "I don't know, it's for kids. It's supposed to be mysteries." Michael answered. "What's the Happy Death Day one?" Elizabeth asked. "Er, that's not for kids, 'Lizabeth." Sans replied, taking the disc away. They were about to watch Scooby-Doo until Papyrus interrupted. "HOLD THE MOVIE, WE JUST GOT A CALL FROM UNDYNE." Papyrus replied, walking into the room. "Huh? The hell she want?" Sans asked. "SHE SAID THAT SHE KNOWS WE ARE WITH THE HUMANS..." Papyrus responded, silent the room. Michael thought of something, then quickly concluded. "Uh...How about we talk to her?" Michael asked, shaken Flowey. "Wait-No! Mike-" "We've befriended Papyrus, we've befriended MK and we can befriend with Undyne, Flowey. So, cut the crap!" Michael replied, annoyed by Flowey. "You guys can go...I'll still need some rest." Daniel replied, hugging his teddy bear. Sans was silent, thinking this through. "Then I'll stay with ya, kid. You do need someone to take care of ya in your age." Sans replied, seating on the couch with him. "WELL THEN, THAT IS SETTLED. LET'S GO, YOU TWO." Papyrus replied, opening the door as Elizabeth and Michael followed. "Wait! Can I stay here too?" Flowey asked. "Sure, Flowey." Elizabeth replied, giving Flowey to Sans, which made them both uncomfortable. "I'LL SEE YOU TONIGHT, WE'LL BE BACK SOON." Papyrus replied, shutting the door as they left. "Well, kid. Ready to watch the movie?" Sans asked, wrap his arm around Daniel. "I don't trust you..." Flowey replied. "Let's just enjoy the movie, Flowey. Fredbear wants to see it." Daniel replied, as Sans started the movie. Daniel soon thought of something about Sans...He really is soft, like what a father or mother can do, just like Toriel. He has hard feelings of leaving him in the underground, which made him sick, but he ignore it as he watches the movie.

So sorry for taking so long! Just having problems with the internet and family business, but it's all fixed! So, don't worry!

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