Chapter 12 - What Happens While We Try To Get Along

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The next morning however Diana walks in on an arguement in the kitchen about how they shouldn't go out just because Sue nearly got mobbed
Diana: For goodness sakes not this shit again *growls as she moves around Johnny after using her powers to zoom stuff around just so she can make herself some eggs*

Johnny heard her say that and thinks "she said it"

Sue: Johnny, it's too dangerous for you to be in public.
Johnny: You've been saying that for years.
Diana: Sue leave him alone or Iwil make him fry your diary since I already know where it is

Susan: *gasps turning to Diana* what?! You wouldn't.

Diana: Try me *says as she looks at Sue, challenging her to take a shot at her*

Susan: alright...*puts her hands up in surender* you win, i'll leave him be.

Diana: Thank you *says before putting a plate in front of Johnny with food she made firstfor him after which she kisses his cheek*

Johnny: thank you Diana. *smiles and blushes lighty* it looks great.

Diana: I hope it will taste better tho *says as she continues to cook for herself*

Johnny: taste better? I'm sure its gonna taste just as good as it look. *says with a smile*

Diana: We will see about that *says as she kisses his other cheek and cleans up up after she finishes cooking*

Johnny continues to smile as he waits patiently for her to join him

Reed: What worries me is that our powers are evolving.
Johnny: I know I know! I am so close to flying, guys, I can taste it
Sue: You can't fly.
Johnny: Yet.
Sue: Johnny, can you put that napkin out?
Johnny: Oh, Jesus.
Diana: Don't you dare *says before pouting a cup of water over the napkin*

Johnny: sorry. *takes a few deep breaths*

Diana: No worries *says before pressing a kiss to his nose*
Reed: Where is Ace anyways?
Diana: My brother wiped himself some babe yesterday and is now in her apartment fora visit

Reed and Sue share looks at that

Diana: He was drink. Don't worry. He won't even remember by tomorow

Reed: well then...

Ben: What's going on? How you gonna cure us?
Reed: I'm gonna build a machine to re-create the storm. The cosmic rays will travel from this generator to this chamber *says as he shows them a drawing*
Johnny: What, no pop-ups?
Reed: If I can reverse the wave signal It'll
Ben: return us back to normal.
Diana: Huh.
Sue: Right But what are the risks?
Reed: Even a small miscalculation could increase our symptoms exponentially. Or perhaps even kill us.
Johnny: Now, dying- that's bad, right? I say wejust let sleeping dogs lie, guys
Diana: I agree and I'm notallowing Johnny near that thing at all

Johnny: i'm to young to die yet.

Diana: And too handsome to add to the list

Johnny: that to. *grins at her*

Diana grins back as she sits next to him finally

Johnny: shall we dig in now? *asks her*

Diana: Enjoy your meal!

Johnny: thanks you to. *takes a bite* Hm, just as i thought its good.

Diana: I'm glad

Johnny: did you really think it was gonna be bad? *asks taking another bite*

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