Chapter 11 - The People Who Always Have My Back

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Next morning tho thing go even crazier as the tests begin however as soon as Reed heads to Diana, Ace blocks his path

Reed: Ace, i need to see and talk to Diana.

Ace: Forget it. I know you want to remove her powers as well. I already spoke to her

Reed: Ace, the storm gave us these powers but i can not allow anyone to keep them your sister included.

Ace: Her powers are not caused by it. She had a little bit of her own powers left and the storm just boosted them. I already checked

Reed: that might be but its not gonna change my mind. None is keeping them, end of the line.

Ace: Sorry but you don't rule over us. We are much faster than you and even tho you can stretch we can just trick you to tie yourself around something

Reed: true, still I'll find others ways to reverse this whether she wants it or not. I'm not giving up not by a long shot. *says turning around and starts walking away*

Ace: You don't get it Richards. I'm the one who won't allow this and I talked Johnny into protecting Diana from you if needed

Reed: what?! *eyes widen* You talked Johnny into protecting her?! Johnny is refusing to lose his powers as well althou i'm sure you already knew that.

Ace: Of course I do. Diana and him were talking about joining forces eventually. I overheard them last night while I was passing Johnny's room

Reed: No, i should have seen this coming. Maybe i should ask Sue to help me. *says the next part very quietly*

Ace: Even if you talk Ben into it,Diana is still stronger

Reed: *sighs* alright, alright...i'll leave you two be. *says turning around and leaving*


Reed ignores that as he keeps moving


Reed continues the tests till Johnny comes to him with holes on his best t-shirt

JOHNNY: Okay guys, we have a serious problem.

Reed: what is it Johnny?

Diana:If you haven't noticed Stretch, his powers acted up

Johnny: yup, she's right.
Reed: okay, what mad them act up?

Diana: Nothing. You can't ready expect someone to be able to control fire

Reed: that doesn't explains his ripped up cloth.
Johnny: you know what i don't even feel like explaining things.


not even a minute later said male speeds inside the room were he heard his sister yell for him.
Ace: you yelled? *says stopping before Diana*

Diana: You're a nerd. Explain to Reed how Johnny burned his shirt

Ace ignores the first part before looking at Reed and starts explaining it in a way that Reed will understand for sure


ANGLES of Reed in the lab, grabbing their space uniforms from various closets/containers:

REED (V.O.): Our uniforms were exposed to the storm like us. So they can transform like us, becoming invisible, changing size on demand or remaining impervious to flame.

REVEAL: Reed, Sue, and Johnny step out to look at themselves in a mirror wearing the uniforms. No boots, no gloves. Not yet. (The uniforms will develop, like our heroes).

BEN: You look like an eighties rock band.
SUE (to Ben): The suit will stretch. You should try it --
BEN: I wouldn't be caught dead in that.
Diana: Why not? It suits you

Ben: have you seen how i look? I'm a monster. *looks away*

Diana: Have you ever read Beauty and the Beast?

Ben: of course, who hasn't but that's not my point. I already lost someone i hold very dear.

Diana: So did I and Ace ... but it will pass. It's not the end of the world

Ben: i sure hope your right.
Ace: she is, trust me. It will take some time but it will happen you can be sure of that.

JOHNNY: He's right. And these costumes are... missing something. I can't put my finger on it --

REED: They're not costumes.
SUE: We're not taking them out. Johnny, we need to stay here till we've stabilized.

Johnny shakes his head, frustrated.

JOHNNY: I'm getting sick of being trapped here. NASA wasn't even this strict!
Diana: You can come shopping with me if you want?

Johnny: sure, sounds good, anything and anywhere is fine as long as i can get out here. *says looking at Diana*
Susan: Johnny! *scolds*
Johnny: No, your not changing my mind sorry sis.

Diana: Go get changed then *says as she makes her way towards him*

Johnny: sure, i'll be back in a few. *says running off to get changed*

Diana nods as she crosses her arms over her chest and turns to the others

Reed, Sue and Ben: what?
Ace: seriously?

Diana: Are you guys brain dead or are you just stupid?

Ace: i would say both.
Ben: we are not neither of those two.
Ace: keep telling yourselves that.

Diana: You guys can't just keep a guy like him locked up. He'll blow against you eventually

Ace: she's right, beside Johnny can handle himself, he just needs to learn how to control his power. *says crossing his arms*
they all share looks at what Ace and Diana just said before looking back at them.

Diana: Besides we have been where you are now

Susan: i suppose you have sins you had those powers way before us.
Ace: because we know what were talking about. Just let Johnny blow off some steam besides he'll be in good hands with my sister.
Susan: your right about that.
Ben: Susie, seriously?
Susan: Johnny is my brother and sooner or later he is gonna explode and with his powers being fire...well i don't think i need to explain further.

Diana:I wasn't aiming to his powers. He could blow up against you Sue. All you ever do is lecture him. Don't you give it a rest eventually?

Susan: yeah, your right i act more like his mom then his sister. *sighs*

Diana: Now you know how I feel lately thanks to Reed

Susan: Reed. *turns her gaze to him*
Reed: what? i was just doing what i'm gonna do for Ben.
Susan: now i get why my brother is in such a bad mood.

Diana: But Ben wants to be normal while I was born with powers. For me that's not normal. It's a nightmare

Susan: Reed, she's right We should really give it a rest. However that doesn't mean you cant continue help Ben or me anymore.
Ace: what she means you leave me, Johnny and Diana alone about powers.

Diana: Or at least me. Johnny can look after himself

Ace: also true, he's not kid anymore.
Reed: alright, i wont bother you again Diana,
Ace as well as sue raise an eyebrow at that.

Diana: Perfect *says as she heads off and meets Johnny outside his room*

Johnny: ready to go are you as well? *asks stopping before her*

Diana: That sounded really messed up but yes I'm ready

Johnny: i know, i blame Reed and my sister. Lets just go. *says holding his arm out*

Diana nods as she takes his arms as they head for the elevator

Johnny starts to smile feeling himself calm down now that its just him and Diana leaving the building and away from the people that put him in bad mood

Life In The Fast Lane || A Johnny Storm Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें