Chapter 3 - When your ex-boyfriend becomes a scumbag

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THE SPACE STATION in the distance, rotating in orbit above Earth. THE SHUTTLE eases in and docks.


Victor and Sue lead the others into the command center.

JOHNNY: (a "dad voice": to Ben) If you behave, maybe next time daddy'll let you drive.
BEN: Keep talking, there won't be a next time.

Reed is focused on THE EARTH.

SUE: Long way from the projection booth at the Hayden Planetarium, isn't it?

Reed turns towards her -- a little stunned that she would bring that up. It's the first time she's been nice to him so far. He smiles, gently, hesitantly, always hesitant with Sue.

REED: Yes. Yes it is.

Johnny and Ben exchange a look. Reed keeps looking at the stars, eyes wide, like a little kid.

Diana: Now this is what I call a well payed trip *says as Victor passed by her*

Victor: of course it is, As i told you it would be more then worth it.

Diana: I don't trust people easily. You know that

Victor: Yes Indeed i do know that.

Victor glances at a camera mounted into the console.

SUE: We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here.
BEN: Is it safe?
REED: The shields on the station should protect us.
BEN: Should?
VICTOR: What's wrong, Ben? Eighty-million dollars worth of equipment not enough for you?

Ben turns to Victor. A little tension. Reed cuts it:

REED: Let's start loading those samples. Get your suit ready, Ben.

Victor keeps his eyes on Ben.

VICTOR: So you still do all the heavy lifting?

Victor gives a friendly smile, patting Reed.

VICTOR (CONT'D): Maybe you should have stayed back in the lab. Field work never suited you.

Reed doesn't defend himself. Ben steps up.

BEN: He does the talking. I do the walking. Got it?

Victor holds tight to his smile. He nods, condescending before moving behind Diana and hugs her around the waist to annoy Sue

Susan just ignores that but that doesn't mean that it doesn't annoy her a little bit.

Victor then however jumps to the extreme as he pulls Diana to a corner of the room just to place his lips against her own

Susan: *gasps as her eyes widen upon seeing that* Victor?! what the hell?!

Ben: Trying to get back together with Diana are we?

Diana on the other hand kisses Victor back, thinking it was wise to not cause a scene

Susan: what?! *narrows her eyes at Victor* so that's how it is.

Diana pulls away after a while tho and lets Victor down easy before she walks towards Johnny with a sad expression

Johnny frowns and meet her half way then takes her into his arms with a word

Diana hugs him back while Sue goes to check on Victor due to a shift in her emotions

Johnny: whats wrong Diana? *whispers wanting to help her and not liking her sad expression*

Diana: I want to go some place else? *whispers back*

Johnny: okay, i think i know were we can go, Come on. *says guiding her away from the others*

Ben soon enough follows them close by after seeing Victor and Sue heading somewhere as well while Reed just walks out of the room

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