Chapter 8 - The new heroes of Manhattan

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Reed sat in the front while Johnny, and Sue sit in the back with Diana on Johnny's lap. They see the action on the bridge. Reed and Sue lock eyes, sensing the worst while Diana was waking up after her short nap

Johnny: your awake, good. You don't wanna miss this.

Diana: What's better than sleeping in your arms?

Johnny: well as much as i enjoy holding you in my arms take a look. *says pointing in front of them*

Diana does as told but shakes her head before pecking Johnny's lips and laying back in his arms

Johnny chuckles as his arms tighten around her.
Susan: um...shouldn't we do something?

REED: We need to get past the cops first
Diana: I can speed pass them

Johnny: i can flame past them, get it?
susan: now is not the time for jokes Johnny.

Diana: But he could with my help

Reed, Sue and Johnny look at Diana wondering about that

A hard beat. Reed signals Sue with a look, a nod.
SUE: What?
Reed: I have an idea
Diana: God Reed now is not the time for acting like a crazy professor

Reed: what?

Diana: You have a nutty idea in your brain

Reed: i do not.
Johnny: you so do have a naughty idea witch i just know involves my sister

She understands. She concentrates, and starts to turn invisible.

But her clothes don't go invisible. Beat. Reed mutters:
REED: Sue. Your clothes. Lose them.
SUE: What...?(realizes) Oh.
She unbuttons her blouse. Not thrilled with the idea. She wriggles out of her pants. Down to her skivvies. She reaches back to undo her bra...momentarily loses concentration and becomes visible. The sight of Sue in her undies grabs the COPS' attention. Everyone watches, stunned.
The realization that she's visible hits her like a ton of bricks. Cops are transfixed. So is Reed.
JOHNNY: This is wrong in so many ways.

Diana: You want me to take you somewhere else?

Johnny: yes, i don't think i can watch this anymore.

REED: You've been working out.
SUE: Shut up.

Sue takes a deep breath. Closes her eyes. Focuses. Nothing happens. She's embarrassed and furious.
SUE (CONT'D): Any more ideas, Reed? Maybe you should strip down next, see how it feels to have fifty people staring --

...and she DISAPPEARS. Entirely. Undies float. Jaws drop.

REED: Uh, Sue?

She stops ranting. Realizes she's gone invisible.

SUE (INVISIBLE): Oh. Well then...

The undies drop. The cops stare open-mouthed. They turn to look at Reed, astonished. He sheepishly shrugs his shoulders.

JOHNNY: I'm gonna need serious therapy.
Diana: Just tell me where and at what time and you won't even have to pay me for it

Johnny: anywhere and anytime is fine...i just wanna get out of here.

Diana nods but hell soon gets loose and Reed stretches to grab people from falling over, Sue shields them from the fire, Hognnysaved two kids from the fire by absorbing the heet while Ben helps atruck driver who was stuck in his vehicle. Diana however was someone people saw differently she used her speed to repair the made damage, put the fire out and save lifes as she ran in her blue catsuit while everyone watched her as if she was already something more then a new famouse face

While he does Johnny makes sure to keep Diana in the corner of his eyes

A child starts to sing: Blue streak speeds by
Sonic Sound is what she's called
Too fast for the naked eye
Sonic Sound will save us all

Johnny, sue as well Reed hear that

Two twin girls sing: Sonic
She can really move
She's got an attitude
she's the fastest thing alive!

at this they all share quick looks.

An old man sings: Look out when she storms through
Sonic Sound will put an end to your mischiefs
Don't doubt what she can do
'Cause Sonic Sound will never let you don't

Johnny: sonic?

Everyone: Sonic
she can really move
she's got an attitude
she's the fastest thing alive!
she's the fastest thing alive!
she's the fastest thing alive! *ends the song just as Diana stops before Ben and picks up the ping Debbie took off of her finger and puts it in Ben's hand like Reed was about to do*

Reed needs to blink still not used to the fact that She's so fast.
the two storm sibling watch with sad smiles

Ben: Since when have you been known as Sonic Sound?
Diana: Since I was a teenager. My powers are not from the cloud.

Johnny: *face palms* of course, why didn't i see it before.
Susan: so you already had those powers...
Reed: does that mean the storm had not effect on you?

Diana: It did. My powers were taken away by a crazy professor a few years ago. The storm however was able to reawaken the ones I had left deep inside my soul which is why I blacked out. The cloud took out into view the only set of speed energy no one can take from me. Now I'm running for my life every time I tap into my power source

Reed: wait...doesn't that mean your life shortens the more you use your speed?

Diana: No. It means that I live for speed. I just no longer know what slow means

Reed, Ben, Sue and Johnny: Oh.


Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny sit together, getting changed. They get ready to go, but the CHIEF FIREMAN enters, stopping them.
CHIEF FIREMAN: There's some folks outside, want to talk to you.
REED: We're not going public with this. We're scientists, not celebrities.
CHIEF FIREMAN: Too late, son.
He turns on a little TV MONITOR in the corner. NEWS FOOTAGE plays on all stations, with the tagline: FANTASTIC FOUR.
CHIEF FIREMAN (CONT'D): That's what they're calling you. The Fantastic Four.
Ben: Four? But we are 5 in here with Diana

Johnny: that's because they seem to already know Diana

CHIEF FIREMAN: Exactly. The Queen of Speed is an individualist as a player and kids don't need explanations when they see her. Everyone knows her and what she fights for

Johnny: see, that's what she told us. Now what are we waiting for come on. *says looking at Reed, Sue and Ben*

SUE: Johnny, slow down. Let's think this through, a second.
Johnny pauses. Rubs his chin once. And...
JOHNNY: Okay. Done thinking.
He runs out. Sue, Ben, and Reed swap glances, knowing Johnny cannot be their spokesman. They take off after him, out to --

Life In The Fast Lane || A Johnny Storm Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang