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                 The smart switch!

My heart aches with such immense agony
Not just for me but for all humanity
Because Christianity is slowly perishing like H2O to an inferno quickly quenching
Although the churches worldwide are expanding and their members increasing
They are either just being hoaxed by false promises of quick riches and worldly possessions
Whilst others attend the tiresome 3 hour Sunday service because it's the perfect site for boy catching via all forms of temptation
But these same people believe by so doing they are attaining their salvation
Oh ye of little minds!
So naive and blind!
Don't you see that your minds are filthier than a sewer
And your thoughts more corrupt than a racist cop
Why are we misusing the freewill that the Lord each gave
To cautiously flip our mind switch to select the better alternative
And since we can't flip both sides at the same time
We have to carefully decipher between which is wrong or right
And renew our minds to actually see the light
I ask you now: Are you choosing heaven or hell?
Are you selecting skimpy clothing for a free ticket to an ever blazing oven?
Or are you going to live by the words of the Bible for a second shot at being his beloved disciple?
Think about it carefully?
If you're unsure of what decision to take it means your switch may be faulty
And the only solution to that is through a personal encounter with the Almighty
So if you've realized you've got a smashed switch
You better replace it with a smart switch!

Annalise: Anna means grace and Elise means God's favour so it means Graced with God's favour✨✨ Ikr such a pretty name🥰🥰
Today (22/06/2020-just so I never forget🙈) some of my relatives and friends left for school to write their final exams! May God be with them❤️🔥
~Xoxo, Ann💗

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