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TOWNES'S hair falls into her eyes where she's stood bent over the desk, left hand scrawling equations into a notebook, her voice a soft murmur as she explains the steps to the boy sat in the chair.

As a loud victorious shout echoes through the hall outside, she straightens up—brows slightly etched together.

A whirlwind of a girl—brown hair falling over her shoulders, a wide smile on her lips—flies into the room, a paper with a big 'B+' circled in its corner held up in her hands. Then, cupping Townes's cheeks, she chants, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She presses a kiss to Townes's lips, smile just as wide before whirling back around, gone as quick as she came.

A breath of disbelief escapes Townes in the shape of a soft chuckle as her fingertips comes to rest against her mouth. A small smile curls on her lips as she clears her throat, taking a step back—intending to return to the boy and his math. Instead, her gaze catches on the girl stood across the room.

Caia slams the drawer of the archives shut with such a force it rattles the entire room, dropping a stack of books onto the nearest desk before grabbing her bag. She kicks a chair out of her way, slipping out the door.

Townes forgets all about the boy. Forgets all about her role as his tutor, leaving him behind, as she runs after her ex. 

Townes and Caia, Caia and Townes | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz