The Battle of Metropolis

Start from the beginning

"We're almost there Clark." Batman pressed his comms unit. "Report."

"Brainiac's got a grudge." Superman answered. "We're by the planet where his ship is hovered above. Flash and Green Lantern is covering the perimeter." he said.

"Good we're almost the-" Bruce was interrupted at the view of Brainiac's ship. It started to shoot at the Batwing as it flew closer to the source. The Batwing struggled as Batman maneuvered it to evade the incoming strikes. Bruce stayed silent to concentrate at evading the ships fire.

"Hold on!" Nightwing told his brothers as they held on for dear lives. The Batwing maneuvered, somersaulted to dodge incoming attacks. A sudden beeping sound appeared within the console. "Batman! Missiles been locked on!" Nightwing reported.

"I know! engage Flares!" Batman replied as he kept evading the ship fire. Missiles from the ship was fired. 

"Scanner indicate 20 missiles!" Nightwing reported once again.

"Engaging Flares!" Batman said as he pushed a button. The sides of the Batwing released flares as the missiles drew closer. Some of the missiles exploded leaving a ball of fire in the sky as the Batwing emerged from it flying away, still dodging both the missiles and the ships fire.

"Batman?" Clark reached his comm unit. He looked up to the sky and saw what was happening. "Batman!" he flew straight up, destroying a couple of duplicates as he did. "Batman report!" he reached into the comm link.

"We're fine!" Batman yelled over the comms. "Concentrate on the ground, there might be people that need your help!" 

"But Batma-" Batman interrupted him.

"We're fine! Go!" Batman replied as Superman stopped in mid air. He hesitantly flew back down to continue fighting.  The Batwing kept on evading the ships fire and the 2 missiles that remained. They flew into the air doing a barrel roll in order to confuse the missile. As the Batwing barrel rolled, the two remaining missiles spun in the air until they both smacked into each other, causing for them to explode. The Batwing leveled itself as everyone in the family sighed in relief.

"We were luck-" Red robin got interrupted as a sudden blast from the ship hit one of the Batwing's wings. The side of the Batwing smoked and flames erupted as they began to lose altitude hard.

"We're hit!" Batman yelled, as he gritted his teeth trying to steer the Batwing as it lost altitude. The Batwing spun in circles as it descended into the ground. "Grab onto something!" He yelled back at his sons. He maneuvered the Batwing so the front was sticking upwards as it spun. Batman activated the Batwing's landing gear to soften the inevitable impact. "If... I get this right..." He told himself as he clenched his Jaw trying to find the right angle to land in. The Batwing itself, hit the ground just a block away from the Daily planet. The Batwing landed, front first, and skidded on the road, digging into it. After a while, the Batwing halted to an abrupt stop. "Everyone okay?" He asked his sons.

"I'm okay." Nightwing and Red Robin said.

"I'm okay Father." Robin replied.

"Slight loss in dignity. So nothing's changed." Red Hood replied, as he got up.

"Okay. Let's go." Batman said as he threw an explosive ramp door of the Batwing, busting it open. From the smoke emerged the Batfamily, as an army of duplicates appeared before them. 

"There's too many!" Nightwing pointed out.

"I see that." Batman replied coldly. He grappled upwards then released after a suitable height. Batman glided down and threw explosives at the duplicates, decimating them. The three brothers followed their father as they slowly advanced to catch up to Superman and the rest of the league. After a while, they managed to catch up to Superman with great difficulty. He was with the heroes of Mount Justice and the rest of the league, they were fighting as duplicates kept on coming. 

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