[Chapter 3] Apparition 2: Yousei-san

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"Have you ever lost something you were sure you'd been careful with,

or found something missing from it's usual place just when you needed it?

That must be the work of Yousei-san.

But you must never look at Yousei-san. If you do...

It will take your life, too."


[Your Name]'s POV:

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san, please let me go home for today!" Yashiro begged, clasping her hands together.

"Nope!" Hanako replied gleefully whilst making an 'x' with his arms and popping out of the third bathroom stall.

I sighed and cleaned the bathroom sinks. I wasn't planning on being on toilet duty today, until a certain someone decided to kick me out of Student Council again for today. They even hid all of the extra work from me, desperately trying to make me stop being such a workaholic. Though, I'm not really complaining. At least I get to spend some more time with Yashiro. And I guess Hanako too.

It had been one week since Yashiro was bound to Hanako. The two were... sort of getting along. They were an interesting pair to say the least.

"Please! Just for today! And besides, you've got [Your Name]-chan to help clean today instead!"

"But she's not my assistant now is she?" Hanako said. "So nope. I've got an important job for you once you're done. I need you to hurry up and finish cleaning."

"No way..." Yashiro mumbled before rushing over to Hanako and grabbing him by the shoulders while viciously shaking him. "This is the prime of my life! Youth is short! And I finally got my big chance!"

"What chance?" Hanako asked shakily while still being shook by Yashiro.

She let go of his shoulders and put up a peace sign, "Fuji-kun, the coolest guy in mine and [Your Name]-chan's class, asked me out!" Yashiro exclaimed giddily. "And a second date, too! A rendezvous in the classroom after school."

"What are you going to do? Naughty stuff?" Hanako questioned with a pout. I glared and threw the wet rag I had been using to clean the bathroom sink at him.

Yashiro continued dreamily, "You really want to know? I suppose I'll have to tell you." Her mood suddenly changed drastically, causing me to shiver a bit. "We're going to organize Student Council paperwork in an empty classroom. And Fuji-kun is going to leave right away, even though he invited me. He's so shy..."

"So that's where Akane sent all my work to..." I said to no one in particular. "But what are you planning to rendezvous with, Nene?" I question sympathetically.

"It's fine!" Yashiro started off, heading into a corner and crouching. "I may be just a convenient woman now, but I'll work my way up!"

"You're certainly optimistic. I think he's just using you, though." Hanako told her, grabbing a mop before pinning Yashiro into the corner and whispering in her ear.

I looked away, not wanting to listen in on their conversation. My heart felt heavy as I clutched my chest, taking in a deep breath and exhaling quietly afterwards. I shouldn't be feeling like this... It's been years, decades even, since the last time I saw him. I picked up the rag I had thrown at Hanako and wipe the mirrors. I suddenly felt Yashiro's presence beside me.

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