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Me and Alessio broke up a few months ago, there was just so much that happened and now i'm laying on my bed thinking about it. it's crazy how much things have changed. I loved him but that argument we had was final, there was no going back. i dropped off his things at his house, ignored his calls, text messages and i even blocked him on everything

a month later of him trying he gave up on us, then winter break started i left colorado to be with some family in california and i'm going back tomorrow

i don't know how i'm going to see him at school, especially in classes we have together or how is he gonna react when he sees me

i decided to call on of my good friends who's also close friends with Alessio i'm going to see if i can talk to him about Alessio and maybe he now has a girlfriend

"hey, how you been? you haven't talked to me in a fat minutes" said Gio

"i know, but i've just been spending time with my family but i'm leaving tomorrow. i've been alright i could be better tho" i said with a sad smile

"let me guess the break up with Alessio is what's making you feel sad" said Gio

"well yeah, like it's hard to get him off my mind. i blocked him on everything but i just can't block him off my head and it's killing me. i try to focus on other things and meet new guys but it's just not the same" i said as i played with my hair

"well i ain't gonna lie to you but alessio has been like that as well, he's been sad this whole time but he is also been working on himself. i'm pretty sure he's gonna be shocked when he sees you at school" Gio said

" yeah i'm nervous to see him" i said with a smile

"wait have you heard his music?" asked gio

"no why would i i'm trying to get over him" i said

"well... there's something" said gio

"what is?!" i said

"he wrote a song about you... well actually he wrote a few songs about you" said gio

"send me the links" i screamed

there's no way he did that, he's lying he has to be lying no way

"here are the songs i send them to you" listen to them, like seriously listen to the lyrics they talk about your guys relationship and how he feels" said gio

"alright well i'm probably gonna cry" i said nervously

"trust me you will and talking about Alessio he's calling me. i'll call you later. listen to those songs you'll get the lyrics"  said gio as he hung up

i'm sitting on my bed, and i click on the first link. it's called RUNAWAY, i get my airpods and click start. it's not even 5 seconds and i'm crying already

"i woke up thinking that i have you but i don't if i hit you back will you take me back oh no you won't" those lyrics made me breakdown i just didn't know how i was gonna face him again

i keep listening to the song and then i hear my voice in the background, it's from that time we went to the beach late at night. we both snuck out just to spend time together before he left to los ángeles again for work

i can still feel his hugs and kisses. me playing with his hair and telling him how much i loved him

i would do anything to get those moments back, i want to text him so badly but im not sure if he blocked me on social media

i decide to unblock him and follow him on instagram. then i listen to the other song "just like you" , half way through the song i get a notification

@therealzotto wants to send you a message
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hey, how you been?

Block                      Delete                    Accept

it's Alessio but i don't know what to do, i'm freaking out, should i respond or not

i decide to calm myself down and finish listening to "just like you" then i'll answer him

all those memories came through my head once again, when we snuck out to go to the beach, all our dates, when i would help him with his music, our trip to Los Angeles. God i miss that

answer his text "hey, i've been alright and you?" i typed

"i've been good i guess. i heard that your coming back tomorrow. maybe we could talk" texted Alessio

i could feel my cheeks getting red

"sure we could talk. let's meet up at the park we used to go to all the time" i sent that text and i threw my phone across my room i'm nervous for his response

"alright, at what time?" texted Alessio

"at 7pm" i quickly typed

"sure, i'll see you there" texted Alessio

ahh shit i'm gonna see him tomorrow, i can't. i need to calm down and go to sleep it's late and i have a flight to catch

*Fast foward 6:45pm*

I get my shoes and throw on my hoodie. i spray some perfume and get my keys. i'm going to see Alessio it's been some time that we haven't talked but i have to

i walk over to the park and he's already there sitting on a swing

"hey, how you been" said Alessio as he saw me

"i've been alright i guess i don't really know to be honest" i said as i sat down on the other swing

"yeah, i've been the same. i just miss you, i miss us" Alessio said looking down

"look Alessio, i miss you too but i feel if we do get back together we have to work things out and not argue all the time" i said as i played with my hair

"i know, i blame myself because i didn't control myself. i just let my emotions go off. let's just start over" Alessio said as he looked at me

"that's the best for us" i said with a small smile

"okay, hello my name is Alessio nice to meet you" said alessio

"hello, my name is y/n" i said laughing

"i missed you" said Alessio as he hugged me

"i missed you too, i heard your new songs" i said with a smile

"oh really, did you like them?" asked Alessio

"yes a lot. they also made me cry" i said

"aw no don't cry, i just wanna see you smile. let's go get coffee or food" said Alessio

"alright, let's catch up. i missed you, i couldn't get you off my head even tho i tried as hard as possible" i said looking at him while i hugged him tighter

"me too, i still have your scrunchie and all of our pictures and polaroids" said Alessio

"i missed you and i love you" i said

Alessio pulled me in for a kiss

Then we left to go get coffee at our favorite coffee shop

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