Chapter 21: Dynamax

Start from the beginning

Me: Ehhhhh! Cool!

Gou: They must use a bracelet called a Dynamax band that is usually wore on the wrist of a trainer. It is activated when the Pokemon is recalled to the Pokeball that is in the hand with the Dynamax band! The Pokeball enlarges into a giant ball known as Dynamax ball from what I've seen.

Me: Wow! How do you get a Dynamax band?

Gou: can be found in the deep grounds or can be bought at stores in the Pokeshop in the Galar region for ten thousand or above.

Me: $10000!?!? That's expensive!

Gou: I know but once you get it, it would be cool to have a Dynamaxed Pokemon.

Me: True!

As we finished our conversations, our food had arrived and we began munching down the food. For me, quickly while Gou was searching up for more things about the Galar region.

I finished my last bite of cheesy and crispy chicken burger and began sipping on my sugary drink.

Gou: *sipping on pepsi* Ash! Look at this!

Me: Huh?

A image on his phone which I was examining at was a Gigantamax Butterfree.

Gou: People say Gigantamax Butterfree resembles Mothra.

Me: So cool! I wonder how Dynamax originated anyways.

Gou: Hmm...let me search up on that...*sips on pepsi*

Just then, I saw three girls in their Eeveelutions outfit. A girl with grassy green hair with a Grookey on her head and a blunette carrying her Vaporean and a Sobble sitting on her hair. And another blonde girl carrying Snowy and Icika running along side her. And not only them, another two boys were heading towards my way. It was Sophocles and Kiawe. I felt something was off with those two, in their old fashion outfit. Sophocles is fine I guess but Kiawe really needs a shirt.

Me: Hey guys!

Mallow: Hey, Ash! You guys sure are early!

Lana: Man! I'm pumped up! Right Sobble? Vaporean?

Sobble: Sobble!

Vaporean: Vaporean!

Me: Kiawe...

Kiawe: Yeah, what's up Ash?

Me: You...really gotta wear a shirt...

Kiawe: Huh? Really?

Me: other regions, like Kalos or whatever, you really shouldn't be roaming around without a shirt...

Kiawe: Well, okay then. I'm gonna buy myself some new clothes. Anyone wanna come?

Sophocles: Nah! I'm down for ice-cream!

Lana: Same!

Sobble: Sobble!

Sophocles and Lana left the group and headed to the nearby ice-cream stall. Pikachu leapt off my shoulder as well as Scorbunny and charged onwards with Lana and Sophocles.

Me: Take care, you two!

Pikachu: Pika!

Scorbunny: Scorbunny!

Mallow: Well, I think I should buy some clothes too so I'm going with Kiawe.

Grookey: Grookey! Grookey! *hops happily*

I noticed a bow tie on Grookey's chest. Grookey was also wearing a pink coloured top hat. I guess Grookey likes fashion. Both of them headed off their ways and it was me and Lillie left at the deporting area.

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