Chapter 25: Dandelion and Evolution

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Ash's POV:

I picked myself up from the ground, covered with dust. Scorbunny was knocked out from the Thunder Shock. The girl however was perfectly fine because Pikachu only know how to shock people that it already knew.

Pikachu: Pikachu?

Pikachu had a memory refresh, which was why it was acting confused right now.

Lillie: Ash!

Lillie called out my name. Hop inspected concernedly.

Hop: Ash, you okay?

Me: Yeah, I've dealt with this a million times.

I brushed the dust off of my clothes. Just then, the girl with the green hat walked up to me.

Girl: A-are you okay? I'm sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going...

The girl said apologetically.

Me: Nah, I wasn't paying attention too.

I told her with a smile, indicating that it was really fine. Hop was running through his memories, realizing that she was a familiar face which he had met before.

Hop: Gloria?

Gloria: E-eh? Hop?

Both were surprised to see each other.

Me: You guys know each other?

Gloria: Yeah. Hop was the one who gave me my Dynamax band.

I noticed that she had a Pokemon in her backpack as it popped out its head.

Grookey: Grookey?

Scorbunny soon regained consciousness as it bounced back up. Sobble also rushed down from Hop's shoulders.

Pikachu: Pika! *waved happily* ( Ello! )

Scorbunny: Bunny! ( Hola! )

Snowy: Vul! ( Konnichiwa! )

Sobble: Sobble! ( Bonjour! )

Grookey: Grookey... ( Other than the first one, I don't understand anything else... )

The Pokemon happily communicated.

Me: Ah, I see, so the Gossifleur was yours.

I repeated Gloria's words.

Gloria: Yeah. I had Gossifleur out, but it suddenly got lost. I managed to find it gliding in the air, but I lost track of it again...

Gloria said dejectedly.

Me: Well, I'm really sorry.

I apologized again. Gloria shook her head in return.

Gloria: Nah-uh, it's my fault for losing it in the first place.

She proclaimed. However, I was unsatisfied with the response.

Me: Allow us to help you!

Gloria was surprised to hear that.

Gloria: Eh? No way! I can't ask for other people to help me with my problems...

I placed my hand on her shoulder, keeping a serious look on my face before transitioning it into a bright smile.

Me: I insist!

Hop: We want to help you too. Even as a rival, I can understand how it feels to lose a Pokemon that you treasure a lot.

Lillie: Same here!

Lillie and Hop reassured her. Tears were forming at her eyes, but she kept a bright smile.

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