Chapter 3: Normal School Day

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Ash's POV:

Me: Morning time!

I hopped out of bed and fell onto the floor. I winced in pain as I looked at Lycanroc who was sleeping on the ground peacefully. I looked up on the shelf to see Rowlet sleeping with bubbles escaping its nose on its beak.

I walked to the living room where Incineroar was sleeping on the couch and Melmetal sleeping on the ground.

I looked over the kitchen counter to see Professor Kukui preparing breakfast.

Professor Kukui: Good morning, Ash! Didn't expect you to be up this early.

Me: Of course, I'm up! I need to prepare some stuff.

I said before going to the basement to use the PC.

The Pokeballs fell into their slots as I took all of them out and place them into my hands.

I ran back upstairs towards my bag on the couch. I place them inside before getting out of my pajamas.

After getting into my outfit, I immediately rushed to the kitchen counter as my stomach was growling. I munched down on my sandwich like a hungry Lycanroc as the professor fed my Pokemons treats.

After eating, I wore a blue jacket over my blue and white striped shirt. I wore my red cap as Pikachu jumped onto my shoulder.

Pikachu: Pika!

Me: See you later, professor, Pikachu!

I waved goodbye as I left the house. Professor Kukui and Pikachu also waved goodbye to me.

Professor Kukui: Bye, Ash!

Pikachu: Pika, pika!

I ran down the road as I stare at my watch.

Me: 7.05pm...

I frowned as I realised that I do not have enough time.

Me: *sigh* I guess I'll arrive at school much later...

Lillie's POV:
Arrival at school~

Me: Thanks, James!

I bowed to the butler as I got out of the car.

James: No problem!

Me: Oh yeah! By the way, I will be going out with Ash after school. So I think I'll be back around 6 o' clock.

James: No problem, Miss Lillie! Enjoy yourself out there!

Me: Yes!

After waving goodbye, James drove off as I entered the school grounds.

I entered the classroom to see Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe and Lana gathering at the corner of the class, talking about whatever the hell they are talking about.

I simply ignore them as I went to my seat. I soon realized Ash wasn't here yet. I sighed as I began to read my book while waiting.

Professor Kukui: Alola!

Everyone: Alola!

Professor Kukui entered the class but I still see no Ash around here. That's when I'm starting to think Ash wasn't really in Alola. I sighed again while keeping my book.

Professor Kukui: I'm gonna take attendance! Eh? Where's Ash?

Kiawe: Wait, did you say Ash?

Mallow: Isn't he in Kanto?

Professor Kukui: No, he came back to Alola. I'm pretty sure he left earlier than me.

Everyone let out a sigh to show a "what the hell is he doing?" expression.

Aureliashippingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें