Chapter 22 day off !

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A/n what up everyone back again with another chapter hope everyone is enjoying the story thus far and is staying safe out there well let's get to it
'Ddraig thinking'

Issei woke up in the morning feeling extremely sore from the day before
'Maybe I over did it a little' he thought
"You think? It's total normal occurrence that you trigger the angelic overdrive on pure rage" replied ddraig sarcastically
'Yeah yeah I get it ddraig I'll keep my emotions in check' replied issei
"I would hope so you worried your mates and everyone else"
Issei looked to both his sides to see that irina and serafall were still asleep in their night gowns  only this time his arms were free
'Sweet I'm free from the start hell yeah!' He mentally cheered. He got up from the bed and put on  some basketball shorts and a t shirt  since he was still only in his boxers from the night before and decided to head downstairs. As he was walking down the stairs he noticed the scent of food being made in the air he walked into the dining room to see Asia in the kitchen making everyone breakfast
"Good morning issei nii" She said as she noticed him and smiled
"Good morning Asia" he replied as he smiled at her happy to have her home and safe
"Hey asia what do you say we have that sibling day out today?" He asked
"I would love that!" She said excitedly
"Alright then I'll plan the day while you finish breakfast and we'll go after" he replied as he went to go sit on the couch and got his phone out to plan the day out
'Disneyland in Tokyo sounds like a plan' he thought as he bought two tickets for the day
'Well that's that' he was broken out of his thoughts when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him
"Issei love I woke up and you weren't there" said serafall with a pout
"Well maybe you would've woken up if you and irina didn't sleep like rocks" he replied with a light laugh as he kissed her cheek
"Well sorry for being comfortable hmph!" She said as she turned away
"Hahaha you're cute even when angry" he said as he patted her head and she just pouted
"Good morning darling good morning sera Chan" said a sleepy irina as she rubbed her eyes.
"good morning irina" said issei as he walked up to her gave her a kiss on the cheek as well.
"good morninjg iri chan" replied serafall
"What are you two talking about?" Asked irina
"Only bout the fact you two sleep like rocks" replied issei as he replied Asia can be heared giggling from the kitchen. Irina only blushed at this as she couldn't come up with a response as kiba and xenovia came down
"Good morning everyone issei thank you for letting me spend the night" said kiba
"It's no problem man xenovia loves you so you're welcome here whenever" he replied xenovia only smiled at this
"Breakfast is ready" called out as everyone turned to go to towards the table issei heard a tired voice behind him
"Good morning issei Sama" he turned to see rossweisse
"Seriously rossweisse just issei is fine" he said as he deadpanned
"I've already explained it no can do issei Sama" she replied as she smirked
"I can't tell if you're doing it out of respect or because you know it gets on my nerves" he said She only giggled as she walked passed him towards the table.

Issei was the last to sit down at the table
"so what everyone's plan for today?" Asked issei
"Well kiba and I are going to go see a movie and go shopping for some outfits for that Kyoto trip coming up for school" replied xenovia  after she drank some coffee
"Oh right that is coming up isn't it?" Replied irina as she put a finger on her chin
"Sure is I'm going as a chaperone" said rossweisse
"Well it looks we'll all be going" said issei
"I'm really looking forward to it" said Asia.
"Ironically enough I'll be there when you guys go I have to go speak with the yokai faction about peace" said serafall
"Oh yeah Odin Sama did say that they mostly kept to them selves" said rossweisse
"He was right this is the first time in a long time that they're willing to speak to one of the biblical factions" explained serafall
"Anyways what about you love what are you doing today?" Asked serafall as she looked at issei
"Well I promised Asia I'd spend the day with her as to what we're doing I want to keep it a surprise for her" he replied as he smiled at asia
"What about you rossweisse?" Asked issei
"Well I was speaking to raynare before she left I'm going to train with her on my light spears" she replied
"Oh that sounds fun" said issei
"W-What?!? That means I'm the only who has nothing to do?!" Yelled out irina flabbergasted
"Well iri Chan if you have nothing to do today how bout you accompany me? I have to some meetings and I super don't want to go alone" said serafall
"If you don't mind I'd love to go with you" replied irina
"I don't mind at all plus it'll give us a chance to talk and hang out" she replied as she smiled she only nodded in response. They ate breakfast in a comfortable silence with some chit chat here and there.

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