Chapter 12 open house!

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A/n what's up guys back again with another chapter hope you guys enjoy
Ddraig speaking
Ddraig thinking

It was the next morning and issei awoke in his bed and looked to his side to find a sleeping serafall and thought about the day before.
'It was one hell of a day right Ddraig?'
"Indeed partner you finally got your revenge and my question is what now?" Asked Ddraig
'Now we keep the peace to make sure no one else has to lose people they care about they way I did' replied issei.
"I see partner and what of the white one?"
'I will deal with him when the time comes' he replied as he was brought out his thoughts when he felt serafall stir awake.
"good morning beautiful" said issei as he kissed her forehead
"good morning my love" she replied as she yawned
"so what are your plans for today?" asked issei
"well i have to go meet with the others to give details of what happened and you?" she asked
"got to talk to the church duo to see what their next step is and the head to the club room to talk about everything i think sirzechs is going to stop by as well since his little sister was involved" explained issei
"right you did mentioned that you guys would speak today. hopefully that goes well but i have to go get ready for the meeting" said serafall as she got off the bed and switched into her formal clothes
"i will see you soon darling" she said
"wait serafall before you go in a few days there's going to be an open house at the school you should stop by" he said as he smiled at her
"WHAT WHY AM I ONLY HEARING ABOUT THIS NOW?!?! SO-TAN HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO" she yelled out as a magic circle appeared under her
"woah woah relax at least i told you now you can suprise her" he said
"i guess you're right.... but anyways i really have to go darling i will be back for the open house i love you" she replied
"i love you too"

With that she teleported out of the room leaving issei alone. He looked at the time

"well they should be up already hopefully they aren't too depressed about yesterday" issei thought outloud as he got up and got ready to head downstairs. He got downstairs to see irina and xenovia struggling to eat the breakfast asia had made them.

"good morning girls..." he said as he walked to the table

"issei-nii good morning sit down and i'll serve you a plate as well" said asia

"morning..." said both girls and they could barely look up at him

"alright you guys rias dropped off the excalibur fragments here last night after everything i know its rough to find out the truth but you two still have to deliver the fragments to the church" said issei

"you're's just hard we went from thanking and praying to god everyday to only find out he's dead...who have we been praying to?..." siad irina

"well micheal has been doing a great job of running heaven so he hears all the prayers" said issei
"I know this is going to be rough going back to the church so before you guys go back I want you both to know that if either of you feel like that church isn't for you anymore cause of finding the truth you both are more than welcome to come back here and stay with us" said issei with he trademark smile.

Both girls just looked at him and started to tear up
"Thank you issei-kun" said irina
"You have my thanks as well for the generous offer issei" said xenovia
"It's really no problem at all now let's get you the airport I know both you have to go back to the church" he said they both only nodded as they got up to get ready.

(Scene change airport)

Issei and Asia came to see the two off at the airport and exchanging their goodbyes
"Good bye irina-san, xenovia-san" said Asia with a smile
"Asia. Thank you for you hospitality I really want to apologize for what I said that day in the club room" said xenovia as she bowed
"It's alright please raise your head" she replied "yeah thank you for everything asia" said irina and she hugged her
'Jeez you would think it was her house that they were staying at' thought issei as he deadpanned
"Issei-san thank you as well" said xenovia as she shook his hand
"Right remember my offer will always stand" he replied as he smiled and she walked off to the terminal and Asia walked away to give the issei and irina some time.
"I guess this is it huh?" Said irina
"It is. Well for now at least which reminds me you did get to finish what you were going to say before everything happened" he replied.

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