Chapter 18 preperations !

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I've have some people say I should continue this story so I think I am here's another chapter from where the last one left where Rias had told issei they were going against diadora astharoth in the first match in the rating game tournament  so let's get to it

Ddraig talking
Ddraig thinking

Issei just stared at Rias with a serious look on his face
"Is something wrong issei ?" Asked Rias
"No. Well kind of. Listen. I want you and your peerage to be careful around that guy I get a real bad feeling about him" he replied
"We will and don't worry we'll defeat him" she said
" I know you will" said issei
"But anyways besides that what's going on guys?" Asked issei
"Hmmm not really much our knights went on that date and I heard it went well" replied Rias
"Oh yeaaahhh I heard it went REALLY well" said issei as he looked towards Kiba who was turning away blushing
"Oh? Kiba is their anything would like share with us?" Asked Rias
"Now that you mentioned it he does have xenovias scent all over him" Koneko spoke out
"Hmm Kiba why is that?" Said issei as he gave him a knowing smirk
"I-uh uhhh" replied Kiba
"Ara ara kiba I didn't know you had it in you" said Akeno. At this issei just busted out laughing
"alright that's enough teasing for me I need to speak to my uncle about some business and get home for dinner I told irina and the others to just meet me at our home later and she gets angsty if I'm late" said issei as he started to form a magic circle under neath him
"Alrighty issei we shall speak to later~" replied Rias as she waved
"Bye kiba~" said issei with a smile as he waved
"Get lost already!!" Yelled out kiba and with that issei was gone from the room.

(Azazels apartment)

Issei teleported in to what appeared to be azazels gaming room and found the man himself sitting in front of the tv playing smash bro's
'Why do I feel like this is what he's been up to all day' thought issei and he walked up behind azazel and karate chopped him in the back of the head
"Ow what the hell!?" Yelled out azazel as he shot up
"You didn't even go to the Grigori did you?" Asked issei as he arched his eyebrow
"Well see I was going to go but I decided to play a game before I left and before I knew it here you are" explained azazel
"I wonder what aunty penemue would think if I told her this is what you've been doing all day instead of doing your actual duties " said issei and he stroked his chin in curiosity. Azazel blanched at the threat
"You wouldn't" said azazel
"Oh but uncle yes. I would. Unless you have answers to my questions" explained issei
"Ah black mail you son of a bitch you are your mother's son. I like it ok shoot" said azazel as he grabbed a drink from his mini bar and sat on the couch issei sat across from him
"Diadora asthraroth why is he the round one game against Rias?" Asked issei
"Ah I see she told you well the 4 devil Kings suspect diadora of being apart of the khaos brigade as much as it hurt Ajuka to admit he had to see reason" explained azazel
"Alright but why Rias?" He asked
"Well see issei my boy itd be the perfect opportunity for anyone to strike if you're trying to start another war what better target than the little sister of the current Lucifer?" Explained azazel
" I suppose that makes sense when do you think he'll strike?" He asked
"Well to be honest we suspect it'll happen before the game even starts and we get the feeling he won't be alone" he replied.
" i see... well besides the rating game tournament what can you tell me of the true Longinus?" Asked issei
" I can't really answer that as no one has really fully mastered it so I don't know the full capabilities of it" explained azazel
"Dam well vali is looking into I'll let you know if we find something" said issei as he stood up
" where are you going?" Asked azazel
"Home. They're making dinner and irina gets mad if I'm late" explained issei as he made a magic circle beneath him at the same time another one came up next to him and out came penemue
"Ara? Hello issei dear" she said
"Hello aunty I'm sorry you have catch me as I leave"
He replied
"It's alright just make sure to visit some time" she said
"Right will do oh and by the way uncle was just here playing video games all day" he said as he smirked as he saw azazel blanch and penemue start to form a magic circle in her hand
"Dear husband of mine do you have ANY idea what I've been through today and you're here wasting time?!?!?" She yelled out
"Issei you snitch!!!" Yelled out azazel
"Good luck uncle" he replied and with that he teleported home and the last thing he heard as he teleported away was the screams of pain azazel was putting out.

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