Chapter 17 the day after !

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A/n what's up guys back again with another chapter I'm trying to be consistent as I possibly can be between chapters since I work a lot. But anyways let's get to it
Ddraig thinking
Ddraig talking

Issei awoke in his bed to the sun shining in his face. He felt pressure on his left, he turned to see irina asleep in her black and purple night gown that were exposing her breast due to the angle she was sleeping at.
'Well that's a lovely sight to wake up to' he thought as he reached for his phone and saw it was Sunday and it was a little before 8 am.
'Asia should already be awake and making breakfast that girl wakes up too early same thing with xenovia' thought issei
'You have to think about it part both are from the church and are used to waking up early' said Ddraig
'Yeah but so is irina and she's still asleep' issei replied
'Well her.... she's..... I got nothing your girlfriends sleep like rocks'
'I wish I could argue with you but you're right'
Thought issei as he tried wake up the sleeping girl.
'Dam my back is killing me' he thought
' I'm not surprised you were damaged by a god even with Asia's healing it still left the scars'
'I guess that's just something I'll have to live with' he thought as he was finally able to slip his arm from underneath and sat up on the bed.
'So whats the plan for today Ddraig?'  Asked as he stood up and walked to his closet
'You should really go and see vali about taking Fenrir'
'You're right I'm really cu-'
"Oh my god issei! Your back!" Issei was cut off from his thoughts as he heard irina
"Yeah I know even with Asia's healing it left the scar" he replied as he turned around. Irina covered her mouth and gasped when she saw his left shoulder slightly less scarred than his back. She ran up to hug him
"Baka we told you not to get hurt" said irina
" I know but like I said in the underworld I was fighting a god I was bound to get hurt it would have been worse had I not decided to go into the angelic overdrive early" replied issei as he patted her head
"I'm just scared with everything going on that one day you won't return" she said as she almost starting crying
"It's going to take a lot to kill me because I'm not going down without a fight" he said as he lifted her head with his hand "especially when I have you and serafall to come back to" he said as he pressed his lips onto hers. Irina returned the kiss and after a few seconds they backed away
"I love you issei" she said
"I love you too irina" he replied as he kissed her forehead
"Now I'm going to shower and head to the kitchen for breakfast" he said as turned away to get some clothes ready post shower
"I'm going to go change and see if the other girls need help with breakfast" said irina as she left the room. Issei got his clothes ready and proceeded to the shower

(Small time skip)

Issei was done with shower and had gotten dressed he wore a red v neck t shirt and black jeans. He walked into the dining room area to see everyone eating and a plate for him at the table
"Good morning xenovia and Asia" said issei
"Good morning"
"Good morning issei nii San" they replied
"Any plans for today ?" Asked issei
"Yeah Raynare is going to train with me to help with my light spears" said asia
"That's awesome Asia hopefully it goes well" he replied
"What about you xenovia?"
"Well kiba and I are going to see a movie later today after that I don't know" explained xenovia
"You two look good together" he said as he smiled
"Thank you" she smiled back the rest of the breakfast was eaten in a comfortable silence.

They had put and washed everything away and issei was standing in the middle of the living and created a magic circle
"I'll be back later I have a couple of stops to make I'll be back when I can. Asia if you want come along with me let's go first stop is my uncles place from there you can meet up with ray." He said as he turned to Asia. Asia only nodded as she joined him in the circle
"Oh and xenovia don't do anything I wouldn't do~" issei said with a teasing voice as they teleported away only leaving irina and a blushing xenovia.

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