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     Darkness surrounded me in all directions, a never ending black abyss

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     Darkness surrounded me in all directions, a never ending black abyss. Up, down, left, right, it was all just black.
     My body was numb from the freezing cold. I could feel my body tremble and my skin looked pale. I had never known such coldness before, even when I reached my most fearful point, the temperature was well above this.
     I started to feel a dark and ominous presence woven into the darkness. Every bone in my body felt anxious about the darkness surrounding me.
     I tried to remember how I had gotten here. The last thing I remembered was trying to heal Rook and fainting. Next thing I knew, I was just suddenly here.
     Does this mean that I died?
     "No, you're not dead. Not yet at least," a serpentine voice echoed behind me.
     I cautiously turned around, my hand curled by my side at the ready to conjure up magic.
     I turned to see myself, yet not a perfect reflection. The other me's eyes were dragon like and much more vibrant than my own so that they were almost glowing, and they smoked off into jade green flames. The same flames danced at the other me's feet and took the form of dragon wings behind him. Dark green scales created a diamond pattern on his wrists, the back of his neck, his shoulders, and his cheeks.
     "Who are you?" I asked, voice even. Somehow, deep in my mind, I knew exactly who he was. He was the dragon inside me. He was what attacked the maenad. Still, I asked.
     The other me smirked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm the better you."
     "No, you're just a monster," I said replied quickly.
     "Ha ha, maybe so, but that doesn't change my answer. I'm still the better you," the other me said with mocking cheerfulness.
     "You went to far with... With the maenad's," I whispered quietly, the image of the maenad's dismembered corpse flashing through the mind.
     The maenad's smile curled wider into a cruelly evil smile. "Ah, but I just couldn't help myself. It was so fun to hear her scream."
     My body involuntarily started to tremble. The pure bloodlust coming from my dragon double was overwhelming. And I already knew full well his power and capabilities.
     "Y... You... Why?!" I shouted, panicked.
     "Why? You'll have to be more specific than that," my dragon double said with amusement.
     "Just, why?! Why did you show up?! Why are you here?! Why do you wear my face?!"
     My dragon double laughed. "I told you, I'm still you. I'm the powerful you. I'm the you who can do whatever you want. I'm the you who has freedom. And me appearing when you were fighting that maenad proves it. There's no way I could have surfaced unless you wanted me to."
     "N... No! You're lying!" I shouted. Wanting this? This blood thirsty beast? There's no way!
     "You call me a beast, yet you and I are one in the same. Don't you understand? I'm you're inner thoughts, you're inner desires. And once you accept that, we can finally become one," the other me said, holding out his hand to me.
     "No! I'm not like you!" I shouted.
     The other me still smiled as he lowered his hand. "Maybe not now," he said, walking closer to me until he stood right in front of me. "But you will accept me. The fact is, you're just like me. We belong together. Its our nature to become one."
     My dragon double reached out and gently brushed his fingers against the underneath of my chin, tipping my head slightly up.
     In that moment alone I could tell just how powerful he was. The gap in our strength was so large, he could probably kill my with the flick of a finger.
     Though we were the exact same height, it seemed like he was so much bigger than me, like I had to look up to him. We are not equals. I'm but a mere bug to him.
     "I'll always be here, so when you need me, all you have to do is ask. I will come," the dragon double said with a smirk. "Until then, I hope you have enough power to protect what you're holding so dear to."
     My eyes grew wide. "Don't you dare touch Roo-"
     My dragon double walked away, half heartedly waving at me. "Goodbye, for now. I expect to see you soon."

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