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     Sage and I have really been getting along

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     Sage and I have really been getting along. I like that he doesn't treat me like a prince. It used to catch me off guard but I do enjoy it. He's even calling me Rook now instead of Prince Rook or whatever. Granted, he used to do that from time to time but now he won't call me anything else. Except occasionally he'll call me emperor.
     We spar more often now. The first couple times I lost pretty badly because I still wasn't used to someone using a sheath to fight but once I got the hang of it, the matches are a lot more even.
     I've given up on learning Sage's past. I only started because I was paranoid and thought he might be out to kill me but I know that he's not so it doesn't matter. Besides, everyone says he's trustworthy anyway and I think so too.
     I've also stopped asking him about magic. It clearly makes him uncomfortable so it would be rude to keep pestering him about it. And why was it important to find out that he doesn't like magic? That much is clear so why keep digging?
     It was about 7 in the morning, much later than I'm usually up. I'd taken my time getting ready for the morning and I gave myself the gift of sleep.
     I opened my door, expecting to see Sage reading his book- he only had a few chapters left- but instead saw him writing in the blue leather journal I remembered from when Sage picked up his stuff from the Pub.
     Sage set his journal on the floor and hopped up to his feet swiftly, handing me a plate of food.
     "When do you get your breakfast?" I asked as I took the plate.
     "Oh, I grab something in the kitchen before coming here. Mikael and Kacy would kill me if I didn't get anything to eat," Sage replied with a smile.
     "Someday we should go out for breakfast. Or we could at least eat together. The training grounds closest here are quite nice and quiet in the morning," I suggested.
     "That would be nice. I like the woods. They're something I can relate to," Sage said.
     "Have you rearranged your room into the loft area yet?" I asked.
     Sage shook his head. "Not yet. I need to tidy everything up first. I'll probably get to it in a few days."
     "I could help if you need," I offered.
     "Nah, that's okay. I got it," Sage replied cheerfully.
     I liked that about Sage as well. He's always cheerful and happy, no matter what. I don't know how he manages it. It's like he doesn't have a care in the world.
     "Hey, I was wondering if it'd be okay if I ran some errands really quick," Sage asked.
     "Sure. While you're out if you could pick me up a few books about the wildlife in the Southern grasslands, that would be great," I said.
     "Oh, sure. I'll be back soon," Sage said before running off.
     I was about to head back into my room when a spot of blue caught my eye. I turned to see Sage's journal laying on the floor still.
     Sage must have forgotten it. He's not the best when it comes to remembering things. It surprises me that he doesn't loose everything he comes in contact with.
     I grabbed the journal off the floor before slipping back into my room. I'd have to give it back to him when he came back. I tossed the journal onto my desk before sitting down and eating my breakfast.
     I ate my breakfast quietly for a few minutes before I looked over at where Sage's journal sat on my desk. I wasn't able to look at it at the Pub because Sage snatched it away. I wonder if it had any more drawings in it.
     My better sense in judgement told me to leave the journal be. But I also wanted to know more about Sage in general and it couldn't hurt to read what he wrote before we met, right?
     I grabbed the journal and flipped to the first page, reading it in my head.

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