The Haunted Candy Machine

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The Girl's Mother who's Spanish and Father who's Japanese

The Girl's Mother who's Spanish and Father who's Japanese

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There was this girl named Alexandra Elettra Saito who is part Japanese and part Spanish and lived in Catolonia Spain and is 17 years old

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There was this girl named Alexandra Elettra Saito who is part Japanese and part Spanish and lived in Catolonia Spain and is 17 years old. Now Alexandra was a straight A student and went to a private school . She also spoke many languages her first language was Spanish and then she learned Japanese both from her parents and then once she started her private school at the age of 5 she started learning a new language each year so she spoke a lot of languages. She also Spoke English , Romanian , Mandarin Chinese ,Croatian , Danish , Laos , Thai , Albanian , French , Greek , Hebrew, Slovak and was currently learning Swedish. But she had a flaw that would get her in trouble one day she had a crush on a boy named Hugo Abraham Pena and he was known as the bad boy in school and she would do anything to impress him he had his group of friends and she would hang out with them they did bad things they stole things at the store and wanting to impress him she stole things . One day she was feeling hungry and in the mood for something sweet so she stole some candy from a candy machine using a trick little did she know the candy machine was haunted by this man named Cande Diego Escarra who was a police officer who hated thieves and actually got killed by a thief. His ghost then decided to haunt a candy machine that people liked to steal from. Now the candy machine was special it actually had a picture of a bunny on it which might have been another reason why Cande Escarra choose it he loved bunnies as a child he had a pet bunny that unfortunately got stolen and he never saw it again hence the reason he hates thieves . The candy machine then trapped her inside the candy machine and told her she shouldn't have stolen that candy the girl was scared and saw Hugo pass by and tried to get him to save her but Hugo didn't even notice her and couldn't hear her so he walked away. A few months after her disappearance became known her parents walked into the store to hang up fliers about her and noticed her inside the candy machine they knew that she must have stolen from the candy machine and it trapped her because as a little girl she stole from the candy machine they managed to convince the candy machine to let her go that time telling her she's a little girl and they will teach her not to be a thief but it obviously failed. Alexandra must have also forgotten about that because she stole from the same candy machine they tried to convince the candy machine to let go of their daughter again but the candy machine wouldn't listen so they had no choice but to accept that their daughter was going to be stuck there their daughter who had so much potential. After that the daughter realized what happened she stole from the candy machine as a little girl but forgot about it and she no longer felt scared she felt horrified since she no longer had a chance at escaping . She then got transported into a world inside the candy machine that was empty except for small group of a people who looked to be teenagers but payed more attention to two boys with mullets and out of date clothing who were arguing about the year one boy thought it was 1980 and the other boy thought it was 1990 and then as soon as they noticed her one of the boys asked her hey you what year is it and she was about to explained what year it was but noticed that in the world inanimate objects were moving and wondered what this world was like obviously you don't age because the boys with mullets looked like teenager but obviously were older then they looked and she found it horrifying that she wasn't ever going to see anyone she knew again but at least she wasn't alone in this world .

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