Kris took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She also used that time to evaluate how she felt. As she focused on her own body, she realized she was hooked up to all sorts of tubes and wires. A great many of which were around her middle. She finally felt calm enough to speak, even if she was still confused. "What happened? How did you get to Midgar? How did I get to Midgar, for that matter?"

Sarah shook her head. "You should focus on regaining your strength. You may have woken, but there could still be issues."

It didn't take much for Kris to realize that her mother was keeping things back. Probably so she wouldn't get stressed. However, not knowing had all sorts of thoughts running through her head. "I need to know what happened. Is Jenova gone? Are we safe here?" She paused and let out a gasp. "Do we still need to worry about Hojo?"

Sarah could tell that her daughter was getting worked up, so she squeezed her fingers. "You don't need to worry about anything. You are safe here. As for what has happened, I don't think I am the one that should tell you. I have been here with you. I promise you will find out everything soon. Why don't we let the doctor know you are up?"

Kris started to protest, but Sarah had already pushed a button. A female voice was coming through the intercom almost immediately. "Yes, how may I help you?"

Sarah's voice held excitement for the first time in months. "Kris is awake. Can you let the Professor know, please?"

There was a sharp gasp on the other end, and the sound of rustling before the woman responded. "Yes, ma'am. Right away."

Kris tensed at the word professor but didn't say anything. She doubted her mother would call someone that would hurt her. It was only a few minutes later that a young woman in a white lab coat came into the room. She smiled at both of the Fairs before she went to Kris' side. "It's good to see you awake! I'm professor Rayleigh, and I have been taking care of you. It isn't often that someone exposed to mako wakes up afterward. How are you feeling?"

Sarah had helped her into a sitting position while they had waited, so it was easier for her to look the young professor in the eye for a moment before she answered. "I feel weak and starving, but otherwise, I guess I'm okay."

Rayleigh had already started checking her vitals but paused long enough to give Kris a smile. "That is understandable. We have made sure to feed you, but you are eating for two. I'm sure with a few days, you'll not feel as weak."

Kris had many more questions, but she didn't get to ask them. The door was flung open violently, and Zack rushed in. He paused with wide eyes for only a second before he rushed forward and pulled Kris into a tight hug. His voice was broken as he whispered to her. "You're alright."

Kris held him just as tightly. She felt tears prick her eyes, and was unable to form words. She understood how worried her brother must have been, and it tore her up. It was several moments later that she finally had herself under control enough to speak. However, she wasn't given a chance to as the door was once again flung open.

Professor Rayleigh sighed at the new interruption but didn't say anything. Genesis would have ignored her anyway. Kris looked up when Zack let her go, and froze at the intense look in her lover's eyes. It was several seconds before he pulled her close. His embrace was gentle, and Kris could feel him trembling slightly. Her tears finally started to fall as she tried to reassure him. "I am so sorry for everything, but I'm here. We'll be fine."

He leaned back far enough to cup her cheek. There was a storm in his eyes that threatened to drown her, but his voice was just as soft as his embrace had been. "Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess." He paused and swallowed once before he was able to continue. "I do not ever want to see anything like that again. I do not believe I could handle it. You promised to be by my side until death. Do not think I will let you go so easily."

Kris tried to laugh, but it came out more like a choked sob. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. She stayed like that for a second before she opened them again and searched his. "Is it over? Are we safe now?"

Genesis sighed and pulled her close once more. "Over is a relative term. I will promise that you are safe. The alien is gone, so there should never be a need for you to sacrifice anymore."

Kris was shocked when Zack clapped Genesis on the shoulder, and her fiancé didn't even glare at him. "He's right. We are still cleaning up, but we've got it from here."

Kris looked at the people around her and felt herself relax just a tiny bit. She was far from fine, but she could tell that with the people around her, it would not be long until she got there. Or as close to there as she could get.

Their reunion was interrupted by Professor Rayleigh. "If you have that all out of your system, then I need to finish my exam. You can come back once I am done." There was a lot of grumbling, but everyone stood to go as directed. Genesis only paused long enough to place a sweet kiss in Kris' forehead with his whispered words of love before he followed the others out.

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