Handled With Grace and Elegance

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Hermione was shocked into silence.

This man was a death-eater, a high ranking, Voldemort's inner circle, death-eater. He fought with Voldemort in both wars, tortured countless muggles and muggle supporters, and killed members of the Order of the Phoenix, including Molly's brothers Fabian and Gideon Prewett.

This man, this monster, plotted to kill everyone Hermione loved in school, and now he stood in her family home not three feet from her. Complementing her like they were old family friends who hadn't seen one another in a long time.

Hermione knew some of the guests in attendance would be death-eaters whom she'd fought against, hell her own boyfriend wore the dark mark. But Antonin Dolohov was much, much worse. He was captured during the Battle of Hogwarts and sent to Azkaban where Hermione thought he would spend the rest of his miserable life.

Hermione looked over the guest list multiple times so she knew who would be there and she could prepare herself for seeing her old enemies. "How?" she asked again.

Antonin smiled, "You already asked me that little witch."

Hermione took a deep, calming breath, "Terribly sorry Mr. Dolohov, your name wasn't on the guest list so I wasn't expecting your presence."

"It is I who must apologize then Miss Granger-Zabini, if I had been released sooner than today, I would have RSVP'd." Antonin said through a very Slytherin smirk that let Hermione know he was hiding something. "Might I make it up to you with a dance? I'll admit I am out of practice but I was quite good in my youth and believe I may still have the steps memorized." he said with a slight squint in his eyes.

Hermione knew he was testing her, pushing her to see how she would react and behave in front of all these people. "I can think of no better apology Mr. Dolohov." Hermione said with her best 'try me' expression.

Across the room, Ginny caught sight of her bestfriend and gasped, "What the hell is he doing here?" she asked everyone around her.

Bill, Fleur, Charlie, George, Harry, Draco, Blaise and Pansy all turned and felt their eyes widen when they seen Hermione accept Antonin's raised hand and follow him to the dance floor.

Draco took a step towards the now dancing duo but was forced to stop when Blaise put a hand on his shoulder. "She's good man, he wont do anything here in front of all those people." Blaise said just loud enough for their group to hear.

"I don't like it." Bill said through clenched teeth.

The Weasleys all nodded and said words of agreement with their older brothers statement. No one from the group took their eyes off Hermione and Dolohov as they danced around the crowded ballroom.

"Anyone wanna tell me what the big deal is with those two dancing?" Gwen asked as she looked from the dancers to the family around her.

While Harry leaned in and whispered an explanation to the muggle woman Charlie intended to marry, Bill walked over to stand beside Draco, "Do you want to cut in for the next dance or can I?"

"Actually," Blaise said before Draco could answer, "If neither of you have any objections, I would like to take the next dance and congratulate her."

Both Bill and Draco looked to the Zabini heir with confused looks, "Why?" they asked in unison.

Blaise smiled, "Think about how she must have felt when she seen him here. Instead of freaking out and making a scene like you lot wanted to, she handled the situation with grace and elegance."

Everyone listened closely to Blaise's words and looked at Hermione in a different light. Harry smiled, "I forget sometimes, just how strong and level headed she can be."

"I will be cutting in as soon as this song comes to an end though." Blaise assured the group. And true to his word, as Blaise heard the music winding down, he made a bee line for his slightly younger sister.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see him come in." Blaise told the curly haired witch as they danced away from Dolohov.

Hermione smiled, "Its all right, I'm glad I got to speak with him actually. It was better to discover he was free and here that way than to see him across the room."

"I'm so proud of you for how you handled that situation Hermione, most people would have caused a scene." Blaise whispered as another couple got a little close during the dance. "Are you okay for our little surprise?"

Hermione smirked and nodded her head excitedly, "Absolutely. When were you thinking?"

Blaise looked up to the giant clock above the door way, "In about an hour? I think eleven would be a good time for it, and by then the band would appreciate the break."

"Sounds like a plan big brother." Hermione hummed, "How do you think he even knew about the ball?"

"Well," Blaise thought out loud, "It's a high profile party, we invited roughly two hundred people, purebloods like to gossip, he's the heir of his line, take your pick. All it takes is one person to tell him what was happening tonight."

"Well, I'm glad he came." Hermione said almost without thinking.

"Why?" Blaise asked with an eyebrow raised.

Hermione chuckled, "I spent more time looking past him than at him while we danced, everyone here saw us and how I handled the situation. Plus we had a good talk." she shrugged.

Blaise threw his head back and laughed as he spun his sister out, "You have got to be the sneakiest, most productive person I have ever come across." he shook his head with a smile, "You're going to change the world, aren't you?"

"Lucius Malfoy seems to think so." Hermione said as she found the elder Malfoy man dancing with his wife.

"He'll help you do it too, when Lucius tells people stuff like that, he already has an idea in mind." Blaise said as he too found where the Malfoy couple were.

Hermione smiled to Narcissa when the older witch looked over and caught her eye, "Think I can take that as he's accepted and approving of Draco and I being together?" she asked teasingly.

Blaise laughed with Hermione, "Yes, little sister, I'd say that's exactly how you should take it."

Hermione danced with a number of different wizards throughout the hour before her and Blaise's little surprise. Most only made polite conversation but there were a bold few who asked her more in-depth questions like what it was like growing up with muggles or how she took the news of being a Zabini or even about her relationship with Draco.

Hermione completely forgot to keep an eye on the time and was caught off guard when her brother took the microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman, I trust everyone's having a good time tonight."

The crowd erupted in a moment of cheering and clapping to show the Zabini man they were indeed enjoying themselves.

"I'd like to personally thank you all for coming to welcome my sister back to the family tonight. As a Zabini, she would naturally like to do the same. Rather than coming up and simply speaking however, she would like to perform for you all." At this point Hermione had made her way up to the stage and sat down at the grand piano that was set up for the band. "Being the know-it-all she is," everyone laughed, including Hermione herself, "She has memorized a great number of songs both familiar to us in the magical community and from the muggle world she grew up in. Which shall we start with?"

Everyone in the room called out what their preference, "Alright," Blaise shushed them after a minute, "I'm hearing more magical then muggle requests, that good with you little sister?" he asked looking back to where Hermione sat.

"Of course big brother." The curly haired witch said with a smile before turning back to the perfectly polished keys and deciding on a song.

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