Perfect Spell & Getting Answers

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"How did Hermione get the house if her parents didn't know who she was?" Jean asked the tall redhead sitting across from her.

Bill chuckled, "She emptied out the education fund they had set up for her and bought it off them the minute they put it up for sale."

Jean gasped, "Like money they had set aside for when she was at Hogwarts?"

"No, muggle money for if she ever wanted to attend a muggle university. She knew she'd never use it so she gave it back to them and kept the house she grew up in."

"She's quite the young woman." Narcissa said through her smile.

Billed nodded, "She is, that's why it was a no brainer to make her co-leader of the order with me." he smirked, "Harry said Ron was a critical part of the golden trio but he wasn't, hell even Harry hardly was if I'm being honest. Hermione was the brains of the group and without her, those boys both would have died long before they even went on the run before their seventh year."

"So how did everyone take to Hermione becoming your equal in the order?" Lucius asked.

"I actually held a secret meeting with everyone except her, brought it up and let everyone vote on if they wanted it or not. Every single person said yes right away." Bill said with a proud smile. "When will you ladies be going shopping for the new HQ?"

Jean and Narcissa smiled at one another until Narcissa looked back to Bill, "We'll start making plans tomorrow if this all works out today."

A pop sounded through the room as Hermione, Blaise and Draco appeared.

"Oh were late." Hermione pouted seeing everyone more relaxed then when she left.

Bill laughed, "Hardly, did you guys get it?" Hermione nodded and pulled a gold chain that hung around her neck from under her shirt. Hanging on the chain was a thick gold ring with a beautiful tree pressed into it. "Alright, you need to learn that spell so we can go back and save our headquarters."

Hermione nodded excitedly before following Lucius out of the room so they could get ready for the second time jump of the day. Once they were out, Blaise and Draco settled into the room.

"So, Mr. Malfoy, what exactly are your intentions with Hermione?" Bill asked with an eyebrow cocked and leaned forward a little.

With no hesitation, Draco looked at Bill, "I intend to make her happy every day for the rest of her life. I know our relationship is still new and we're quite young so I won't propose quite yet but I do plan on making her a Malfoy one day so I can take care of her properly and ensure she's never hurt again."

No one spoke after Draco finished, the Slytherins knew he was in love with her and Bill knew he was smitten with the young Gryffindor but not one of them expected such a deep response. Blaise looked over to Narcissa to see her response to her son's confession and smiled when he saw how proud and joyful the older witch looked. When he looked to Bill, he wasn't surprised to see a proud, understanding look on his face.

"Do I have to go through the whole hurt her and I'll kill you speech?"

"No, I already know you will, but that won't happen so you don't need to worry," Draco said sincerely.

Bill relaxed into his chair, "I'm going to hold you to that Mr. Malfoy."

Draco smirked, "I'd expect nothing less Mr. Weasley."

Before long, Hermione and Lucius were back with everyone else and Bill was joining them by the door so they could go save her house. When they landed in the same spot in the past, Hermione grabbed both their forearms and apparated them into the living room of her childhood home.

Bill excused himself to look around the house while Hermione began the complicated ritual that would protect her house from any future damage. Halfway through, she pulled the ring from under her shirt again along with the Zabini dagger Blaise gave her and poked her finger to draw a few drops of blood to rub across the face of the ring.

Lucius couldn't help but admire the skill this young witch showed in her work, especially for someone who didn't know the process when she woke up that morning. 'She truly is a perfect match for Draco and a wonderful addition to the Malfoy family.' he thought to himself.

When she was finished, the whole house glowed for a minute as the magic soaked into it. Bill joined them before the three went to hide under disillusion charms around the yards so at least one of them would see who the firestarter was.

When past Hermione apparated into the house, all three of them tensed up and started watching more closely and within minutes of her first punch to the wall, the arsonist showed up, not two feet from where future Hermione was hidden.

Looking into his eyes, her whole body froze, she was expecting this but it was still a shock to find out she was right. She watched as past her realized how much damage was done to her hands and after she floo'd to St. Mungos, the man raised his wand and sent sparks into every window on this side of the house.

Once the flames grew, the wizard apparated away and the time-traveling trio lifted their charms so they could use the time-turner to go back to their time and fill everyone in on their discovery.

As they apparated into the Zabini sitting room they recently left, Draco jumped up and walked to his girlfriend so he could pull her into his arms. "Well, how'd it go?"

"Hermione saved the house and then we watched it burn, exactly how we thought it would. We need to go see Harry and Ron." Bill said in a stern voice.

Hermione nodded her head, "I agree, this needs to be dealt with as soon as possible." She looked up at Draco and kissed his lips before turning to her mother who was standing in front of her chair across the room, "I'll be back later tonight but I will most likely miss supper."

Jean looked weary, "Maybe Blaise should go with you."

"I agree, and don't think for a second I won't be going as well." Draco's voice was firm and strong but his eyes held the usual affection they had whenever they were pointed at Hermione.

Bill grunted, "This will be handled by myself and Hermione only. If the two of you come, it will be to witness and protect if it gets out of hand but you will not speak or draw your wands first, do you understand?"

"Yes." the two Slytherins said together.

"Then let's go." Bills spoke through his teeth before placing his hand on Hermione's shoulder. Once Draco took one of her hands and Blaise took the other, the three apparated into Grimmauld place where they were met by Harry and the rest of the Weasleys.

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