Informing the Slytherins

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Mrs. Malfoy looked up from her breakfast to look at her husband sitting across from her, he was focused on his breakfast and she watched him eat. When he looked up and seen his wifes brown eyes he smiled slightly before returning to his meal.

Between them, on her right was their only child, Draco who was hardly touching his meal as he read the book infront of him.

"Draco, what are you reading today?" Narcissa asked while she cut her sausage.

"Romeo and Juliet, it's a muggle book." he stated clearly without pulling his eyes from the pages.

Narcissa looked from him to her husband; although he was making an effort to accept the loss of the war and the acceptance of muggle borns, she would still hold her breath anytime the subject came up. When Lucious stayed quiet she continued the conversation with her son, "How is it?"

"Honestly, its kinda shit. Like don't get me wrong, the author is good and he has a good idea but the story line is just to unrealistic. No one, muggle or not, would do the things these kids have done." Draco said shaking his head.

"What do you mean? What happens?" Lucious asked as Draco closed the back of the book showing he had finished it.

"Well, long story short, theres this thirteen year-old girl and a boy whos not much older that are from enemy families but 'fall in love' before they find out each others last names somehow, then when they do find out who each other are they get married in secret, have sex then plan to run away together. When the plan fails they both kill themselves."

Lucious grunted in response and before Narcissa could speak a snowy white owl was standing on their window sill with a note rolled and tied around its leg.

"Who's bird is that?" Lucious asked looking up from his now empty plate.

Narcissa ignored him while she untied the note and pet the bird gently. The note was quick and simple but also exciting. "I have to tell you both something and I dont imaging either of you are going to like it." the witch quickly wrote a few words on the back of the parchment before retying it to the owl and watching it fly away.


Draco walked out of the dining room his parents were in and practically ran to the living room fireplace. Grabbing a handful of floo power he took a deep breath and was on his way to his best friends house.

When Draco walked from the Zabini's fireplace he seen his best friend and his mother sitting across from one another. Neither Zabini were willing to look away first; Blaise looked absolutely livid and his mother looked like she was fighting off tears.

"I take it you just found out as well." Draco said sitting down next to the closest thing he had to a brother.

"Yes. Mother here has just informed me I have a younger sister alone in the world somewhere." Blaise spoke through clenched teeth while he shot daggers at his mother with his eyes.

Jean look a deep breath, "She's not alone, she has the family she grew up with AND she has magic so she most likely went to Hogwarts with you. She would have grown up with the magical community. Narcissa put her in a family, son, not an orphanage."

"Speaking of my mother," Draco interrupted, "She received a letter from your mystery sister about twenty minutes ago. Shes coming, here, tonight."

Both Blaise and Jean looked at Malfoy with wide eyes. "When exactly?" "What for?" "Does she know everything?"

"Okay, okay. One at a time please I can't listen to you both yelling questions at me. From what mother told me, she will be here at seven, were going to perform a memory extraction because even with mother's memories seen through a pensive, she still won't accept it and yes, she knows everything. I think, I'm not a hundred percent sure on the last one."

Blaise just looked at his best friend sitting beside him, where as Jean jumped up and clapped her hands to get the boys' attention, "All right! We have a little over eight hours before she gets here. I want both of you showered and in presentable clothing and the house elves need to do a serious clean of the house."

"Jean, I wouldn't worry too much, mother told her to dress comfortably and said we shouldn't over dress in case it embarrasses her." Draco leaned back on the couch he was sitting on.

"Yeah and mom the house is literally always clean, if she has a problem with the way it is then that's her fault."

"I swear to Salizar if you two aren't showered, presentable and back in this living room by six o clock at the latest I will hex you both into your thirties!" Jean turned and left the room in a huff.

Neither of the boys dared to speak until they heard her bedroom door slam a few minutes later. "So what do you think your sisters like?" Draco said breaking the tension.

"Honestly man, I have no idea. All I hope is that she wasn't someone who went to Hogwarts." Blaise said looking down at his hands.

Draco felt his face scrunch up slightly, "Why the hell not?"

"Draco, she grew up with a muggle family so she wouldn't have been placed in Slytherin and we probably bullied her. What if she hates us before we even know who she is?"

"Well," Draco paused, not knowing what to say to his friend, "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. And if she's willing to come tonight then she obviously doesn't hate us." Draco spoke with confidence but inside he was just as worried as his friend.

Long lost twins.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang