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Hermione and Blaise walked in silence until they got to a beautiful set of French doors that lead to the most beautiful garden Hermione had ever seen. They walked until they came to a wooden bridge that crossed a small, clearly man-made river where Blaise turned to her and cleared his throat. "Hermione, I just wanted to apologize for everything; every horrible word we called you, every rude action we made towards you. We, I was raised to hate muggles and muggle born wizards and witches and until the war, I didn't see the error of my ways. When I first found out I had a twin sister who was raised by muggles I instantly thought of you. We didn't know you were you until moments before you arrived today, but I worried about the torment my poor sister would have gone through because of the actions of my mother and Narcissa. I felt guilty knowing there was even a chance I could have bullied my own flesh and blood and when I found out it was you. Well, my heart broke and I know I can't take back what I did and I know there's no way you could ever forgive me, but, well do you think there's even a chance we could put it behind us and move forward with a sibling relationship? I understand if the answer is no, it should be no, but I had to ask, and I meant every word of my apology regardless of your answer." Blaise took a deep breath and looked into his sister's eyes, he didn't notice before but those eyes were almost identical to the ones he saw in the mirror every day.

Hermione looked back into his eyes and smiled, "Blaise, do you remember in sixth year when Harry almost killed Draco in the bathroom?"

Blaise did but he didn't see the relevance, so he just nodded his head, encouraging her to continue. "Well, Harry told Ron and I about it and he said when he first entered the room, Draco was leaning over the sink crying. Him and Ron didn't think much of it but that's when I realized he didn't have a choice. None of you did. You were all doing what you were raised to do and you were just following your families' orders. I never told anyone or acted on it, but I forgave you all then and there." she smiled and watched his eyes tear up before he pulled her into a very unexpected hug. She didn't hesitate to hug him back and then rubbed his back until he pulled away and wiped his face on the sleeve of his coat.

"Your way too good to be in this family, you know that?" he chuckled as he spoke, trying to lighten the mood. Hermione started laughing with him and soon, they were laughing so hard they both had tears running down their faces and their hands were clutching their sides. When one would laugh harder it would encourage the other and before long, they were laughing so hard, neither noticed they weren't alone anymore until Draco cleared his throat and Hermione almost fell over.

"You two look happy." Harry couldn't help but grin as he spoke.

"Uhh, yeah. He apologized and then you guys showed up.. Together?" Hermione raised an eyebrow while she looked between Ron, Ginny, Harry, Draco and Pansy who were all standing awkwardly together before the bridge.

Ginny looked at the Slytherins on the grass with her, "Yeah we called a truce to support you guys." she smiled up at Hermione and Blaise.

"For us?" Blaise looked to his best friends.

Pansy looked at her feet then back at him, "We know how important a relationship with your sister is to you, so we apologized and shook hands and now were civil. Or whatever."

Blaise and Hermione looked from their friends to each other with matching amazed expressions. "Thank you!" they said together.

Before anyone else could speak, Jean called them to dinner. Most of the teens on the grass let out breaths of relief that the awkward situation was over, only to walk into what would probably be an even more awkward one in the house and although everyone was worried about the dinner, no one dared to comment on it. 

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