The wedding

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Ella's POV:
Today I was round the Brockmans getting ready for a wedding. I obviously wasn't invited originally but then the Brockmans told them that they had a new child likening with them and asked if I could come and Julie said yes. That's right I'm living with them now! Jake had told them everything I said and they had agreed p, it took a month but it was definitely worth it. Anyways I was wearing a one shoulder purple ombré dress and a pair of pink flats.

Karen was a bridesmaid and kept on saying it was her big day and was adamant to wear her bridesmaids dress to the wedding but sue didn't let her, even though she didn't listen anyway. It was absolute chaos, Karen was screaming that Ben hit her and Ben was playing with his toys even though he wasn't supposed to, Sue was screaming for everyone to hurry up even though me and Jake were ready and just sitting on our phones. We didn't know if Angela was coming yet or not but if she does it won't be good. "Dad, is auntie Angela coming to the wedding?" Jake asked. " well... She hasn't replied to the invitation, and America is a long way away, so you never really know with auntie Angela, so..." Pete replied. " God, I hope mum and her don't have another fight." Yeah that would be awkward. " well, it wasn't really a fight exactly, was it? No shovels involved." Really Pete. "No but there was shouting." I carried on for jake. "Screaming and swearing." He continued. "A lot of swearing actually." I finished. " look, all systems have these little disagreements, and I'm sure that if he does come, they'll be very civilised about it." Me and jake both gave him a look. "Anyways she probably won't come." He ended the conversation.

Then we heard shouting from upstairs and found out that Karen was stuck in the bathroom. "What's going on up here?" Sue asked. "I'm stuck in the toilet!" Karen shouted. "well you shouldn't of let her put the bolt across." " right, the next person who says that..." Pete started but sue cut him off. " okay, let's try not to panic." "No-one is panicking." Said Pete. If no ones panicking then why is Karen banging on the door. "Karen's panicking." Jake stated the obvious. " thank you, Jake. Yes, I'm aware of that." Well I mean your the one that said no one was panicking. " well, if she slid the bolt one way, she should be able to slide it back." I said. " yes, I know, and that is why I have been..." Karen was still hitting the door. " okay, let's all stay calm." Sue continued. "I am calm!" Yeah right. " this is going to make us late." Sue explained. " we can't be late! It's my big day!" Karen shouted. "It's alright Karen stay calm." At this point Karen was screaming to get out. " we could put beavers through the window and they'd eat the door." Ben said. " look, can we please stop with the stupid suggestions about beavers?" "There is no point in panicking." How was sue so calm I mean her child is trapped in a bathroom! "Help!" Shouted Karen. "I am not panicking." "HELP!" Karen was still shouting. "We are not going to be late." Yes we are! " I will deal with it. And I will deal with it in a calm and measured way." Long story short he broke the door down.

I was walking into the wedding reception with Jake and Pete. "How much will it cost to replace that door?" I asked. " look, I got us here on time, didn't I? Sometimes drastic situations require drastic measures." Pete replied. "So how's your shoulder?" Jake said. "Fine." "And your foot?" I continued. "Yes." "And your..." Jake started but Pete cut him off. "Look can we just...okay?" "You alright grandad?" Jake asked. " what? Oh, yeah, yeah. Just admiring the bride... Judy looks smashing doesn't she, eh?" Frank said. "It's Julie frank..." I told him. " what... oh. Oh, yeah." And with that we sat down. The order we sat in was; Ben, me, Jake, Sue, Frank and then Pete.

" this brings back so many memories of my wedding day. Crowded church, everyone in their finery. And Jane. Oh, Jane. So beautiful. Breathtaking she was." Frank started. How sweet I thought. Even though he has bad memory at least he remembers his wedding day. " dad... Mum's name was Joan." Wait what... " I know, but she had this gorgeous friend Jane. Real stunner." I would hate it If my future husband said that...even if I was dead! " I can't believe that you... That you just..." sue started. " just because you're getting married doesn't mean you stop admiring beautiful woman." Frank interrupted. " but that's just... At the altar?" Good question... "oh come on. It's just what men are like..." and that was that...rather uncomfortable conversation.

" why has Jesus got that sad expression on his face?" Ben asked pointing to a window. " well, he is being... Crucified and it's making him feel sad." I explained. " he's got nails in his hands. He should be going, 'Aargh'." He continued. "Ben, sssh!" Sue butted in. "Well he should. Soppy old Jesus." That boy honestly. "Ben! Please!" Sue whispered. "I suppose it's not that realistic." I stated. "Would you two just..." she really did treat me like her own daughter. And then the worst thing possible happened...

"Oh look, it's Angela! She made it, isn't that brilliant?" Frank said. Oh god I thought. " oh, yeah. That's... That's brilliant." Sue seemed wary... I mean I don't blame her. "Hi! Hi, Pete! Hiya dad,Sue." Angela exclaimed. "Hi, Jake. Hi Ben." What am I? Chopped liver? "Oh...hi Ella. Didn't see you there." Jee thanks. " its fantastic you can make it." Frank said. " it's just a whistle-stop tour, I'm afraid. My boss can't spare me for long." Who would hire her? In case you couldn't tell I don't like Angela very much. I mean I don't hate her I just hate what she did to sue I suppose. "Course not, no" sue whispered.

Now we were at the wedding dinner and me and Jake were standing with Sue and Pete "this is our table. They've put Ben and Karen on a children's table." Pete stated. "Result!" Exclaimed Sue. "Is it? Ben is on a children's table. With other children." Pete said. " look, you can't be a helicopter parent. You just hover around him all the time. You don't give him any space. he'll be fine!" Sue explained. " i'm more of a jump jet parent, if anything. I like to just get in there quickly and sort stuff out." Then Angela started making a big fuss shouting greetings and kissing the vicar on the face. " here it comes, the attention seeking missile." I totally agree. I mean how bloody loud do you have to be. "look, Sue. This..." Pete started but sue cut him off. " this is Judyis big day, I know." " all I was going to say is..." she cut him off again. " that I must stay in control. Yes I know that. And you needn't worry. Because I made a promise to myself, that no matter how provoking Angela gets, I am simply going to choose to rise above it. Okay?" And with that she walked off leaving just me, Jake and Pete. " well, she... Seems to be on top of it, doesn't she?" Pete said to us. "Yeah..." I said wary. "They're walking towards each other!" He whisper shouted at us. "We're on it." Jake said and dragged me towards Angela.

"Hi, auntie Angela." He said "Oh, Hi Jakey. Hi Ellie." Oh that's a stupid nickname she came up with. The only person who is allowed to call me El is jake so she had to come up with another one and I hate it. We stayed in silence until Jake said, "nice table display." Oh for goodness sake Jake! " yes, yes, it's a... It's a very nice table display." She said slowly. She tried to walk away so I jumped in. " I like a good old table display, don't you?" Don't judge me it's all I could come up with. And then she started talking to some other grownup I don't care about.

Me and jake were sitting down and I must admit Pete did a good job of switching around the seating plan until Angela came and switched it back. " it'll be nice if we're all together, won't it?" She said holding franks hand. Honestly she acts like he cares about him but then she leaves him when he needs her most. "Yes. Be lovely" Pete said sarcastically. The table was silent until someone called Steve asked Angela if she had any kids. "So have you got kids?" He asked. " no. No, my lifestyle has never really left any room for it, you know? I love my globetrotting too much. No I couldn't do what Sue does." And silence. Until she brought it up again. " no, I couldn't do what Sue does. I mean I really take my hat off to her, looking after Peter and the kids, day in, day out, I mean, always having to play second banana as it were. I couldn't do that." Wow. Just wow. " no, I've got a huge admiration for my little sister." As if. " she's like this lovely supermum and what am I, eh?" Angela just stop. "Well..." oh no... "each to their own, eh?" Thank god! "Absolutely" Pete said. "Dad." Jake started but Pete ignored him so I looked were he was looking and oh god what a sight. "Life'd be pretty dull if everyone absolutely lead absolutely identical..." He started but then I cut him off. "Pete." " i'm right in the middle of saying something guys." " yes, but, Ben and Karen are trying to bite each other." Jake stated. "Oh, shit!" And off he ran.

The day ended with sue kicking Angela up the ass and after that we went home...

A/n that was a bad ending but I tried. ~ rose

Word count: 1696

Jake Brockman x Oc/ outnumberedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt