The mystery illness

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I hate flipping school. They called my mum up about the bullying, she obviously didn't care which I was thankful for but then they called the Brockmans and now they wouldn't stop bugging me and Jake. Now don't get me wrong I love Pete like a father but he can be quite consistent and it's really annoying. Even though the school had called our parents they didn't stop harassing us. At the moment they had even stole Jakes phone so I was letting him borrow mine until they gave it back.

Me and Jake were late to the Brockmans house because the bullies wouldn't let us out the school so when we got to the house they were quite suspicious.

P: "hi, how was school."
J: "alright."
P: "Ella?"
E: "fine."
P: "any problems?"
J + E "no."
P: "good. Your auntie Angela's here."
J: "hi, auntie Angela."
E: "hey, Angela."
S: "hi darlings. How was your day?"
J: "alright."
P: "alright's alright, isn't?"
E: "what?"
P: "oh don't worry."
J: "oh wats for tea?"
S: "I thought I'd send out to be honest."
J: "can we have Chinese?"
S: "Yeah. Ella you staying?"
E: "could I? I mean I don't really want toast again."

I had told Sue, Pete and Jake about mum because I trusted them, at first they wanted to tell the school but I said that it was just a phase and she would stop soon. So they let it go.

P: "of course you can. You guys are a bit late back."
E: "oh yeah traffic was bad."
P: "I said it would be that. But your know, next time your running a bit late,just give us a ring on the old moby, eh?"
E: "oh god Pete, please don't call it that."
J: "yeah sorry next time we will call."
S: "that's alright."
J: "we are a bit tired so we're gonna, you know, switch of our brains." And with that we walked into the living room.

Me and J were sitting on the sofa while Angela was having a rant about her ex boyfriend to us which was a bit weird.

A: " I mean, he hasn't wanted me physically for ages, but you kid yourself, don't you, that it's all okay... And then you find out you've been lied to and the scales fall from your eyes and you realise that every relationship is a lie!"
J: "...yeah"
A: "sorry guys, it's just come pouring out. I suppose I sensed it was over but it's still a shock, isn't it."
E: "...I know...yeah." I obviously didn't know but oh well
A: " The worst part is you feel so stupid. I mean, you actually feel ashamed. It's ridiculous, isn't it?"
P: "you okay Angela?" What? Where did he come from?
A: "Oh, it was so silly, Pete. Ella, Jake and I were just chatting and then it all came pouring out of me! I mean, I've been wanting to tell someone about..."
P: "tell them what?"
A: "Trent and me...well... there is no Trent and me."
P: "oh, right I see."
J: "Trent needs more space." I elbowed him in the side considering this had nothing to do with us.
P: "right."
J: "but Angela just says that's just code for seeing someone else."
E: "Jake shut your big mouth! Your making her cry even more!" I whispered to him.
Then Pete walked out but she continued...

A: "I really thought he was the one."
K: "has grandad died?" Oh god Karen not now.
A: "no, darling, grandads fine. It's just something not very nice happened to auntie Angela and she's being a bit silly, that's all." Karen then very sweetly walked up and hugged her which took Angela by surprise. Then me and Jake joined in I mean this family is like my own so even though she's a bit weird I still think of her as an aunt. Then sue asked her to stay and eat with us to which she said yes and so we sat at the table eating Chinese food.

A: " and, you know, if I'm being honest, we've been struggling for a while."
J: " there were quite a few issues."
E: " Jake, seriously shut up!"
A: " i'm trying to know are both a bit volatile so I was like fire meets fire and that just makes... You know, more fire. I tell you, U2 are so lucky."
S: " what do you mean by that?" Oh no...
A: " well, you're both so solid."
S: " well, I can be fiery. I can be quite fiery. It's just that I've learned how to control it."
P: " ha ha!" Oh god Pete your making it worse!
S: "what?"
P: "nothing."
J: " you didn't exactly control it when you shouted at that traffic warden, did you?"
K: " what is a Nazi?" Oh god, oh god, oh god!
S: " A Nazi is a very unpleasant person who believes..."
P: " very unpleasant things."
K: " what things do they believe?" Me and jake were just laughing in the corner.
S: " well, Nazis think that they are better than other people."
A: " they didn't like anyone who was different. They didn't like people who were Jewish and they didn't like people..."
K: " so you called that traffic warden a Nazi for all those things that he believed?"
S: " well, no, he... I was feeling very angry and, very wrongly, very wrong Lee, I called him..."
K: " and Nazi rat-bag."
P: "oh, not this again."
S: " I mean, I was exaggerating a little bit and I felt cross,"
B: " The Nazis were a group of Germans he chased everybody with machine guns and they were led by Adi Hitler."
P: "adi hitler?" Everybody laughed at that. " only to his mates, though, I guess... Adolf, hermie, and Jojo."
K: "what's a rat-bag?"
B: "it's a bag where you put rats in."
K: "no, it isn't! It's a... it's a rat. An you use its tail for the handle of the bag and you put things inside it and that keeps it, and that's a rat- bag."
A: "you mean like a handbag?"
S: "very creative Karen."
P: " might get your mother a Versace rat-bag."
E: "maybe it's an air bag for a rat."
J: "what if a rat was driving a car?"
E: "yeah!"
P: " that can be useful for wind in the willows. Can I ask you a question Karen?"
K: "what?"
P: "are you eating or are you knitting?"
K: "both." Oh I love this family.

A: "well I better be making tracks. I don't want dad to worry."
P: " he won't be. He knows you're here. I phoned him."
A: "yeah, but I don't like leaving him alone."
S: "oh alright then."
A: " thank you, guys. You've really cheered me up."
E + K + B "bye!"
J: "Nice to see you."
A: "and you my love. Oh, good luck with the plumbing."

Me and Jake we're outside, he was teaching my the guitar, when Pete came outside.

P: "you guys okay?"
J: "fine. Just teaching El how to play the guitar."
P: " fancy a kickabout?"
J: "mm, do you mind if we don't right now?"
P: "no that's fine. So today was alright was it?"
E: "yep." No.
J: "yeah fine." Petes phone went of and that reminded him about something.
P: " i've got a new mobile phone so I need to load the number into yours."
J: " we can do it later, can't we?"
P: " we can do it now. Come on, it won't take a minute. Where is your mobile?"
J: "... I haven't got it."
P: " you've lost your mobile phone?"
J: " no I haven't lost it. I know where it is."
P: "well where is it?"
J: "someone's got it..."
P: " that boy has stolen your mobile phone off you."
J: " no, it's not stealing, is it? I know where it is."
P: " you know, I've had enough of this. The school said they would deal with it. I'm going to go in there..."
J: " no, dad, no, please. Dad, don't, please. Please, dad, please, dad. Please don't. Don't do anything. I can handle it. Please."
P: "it has to be sorted out Jake."
E: "he's right. I've watched my best friend suffer enough this needs to stop!"
J: " yeah, I know. It's just..."
P: "just what?"
J: " every time we try to sort things out, nearly every time, you make it worse. I'm sorry, but it's the truth." And with that he walked off.

It was time to leave and again I didn't want to. I just spent ten minutes with a crying Jake who wouldn't ever let anyone see him cry and I wanted to make sure he was okay, but I had to leave...I just hope this bullying stops...he deserves to be happy.

A/n surprise! Double update! Sorry it took an hour to get up it's just I had to write it cause it wasn't saved into my drafts, annoyingggg ~ rose

Word count: 1511

Jake Brockman x Oc/ outnumberedWhere stories live. Discover now