Chapter 09

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Avni: you promised your dad that you will not harm people then why you killed that owner you broke your promise.

Neil look at her.

Neil: Yes I broke my promise he made us to took oath for our community and I broke that for our community.

Avni: what do you mean?

Neil was about to answer but avni flies in air and hits by the wall and fall down Neil shocked to see this.

Neil: avni.

Avni's eyes were closed and she was hissing in pain her forehead was bleeding because it hits with the floor Neil went to her.

Neil: avni avni are you ok?

He made her sit but she was in his arm he pets her cheek.

Neil: avni Avni are you ok avni.

Avni nodes and rubs her forehead Neil look here and there and saw vidyut avni also saw him and shocked.

Neil: vidyut.

Neil look at the couch and it flies in air and hit vidyut he falls down and shocked.

Vidyut: Neil because of her you hit me.

Neil: I warned you not to hurt her again but you didn't listen to me.

Avni look at neil.

Vidyut get up.

Vidyut: just because of her that fatty shah know about your name I told you she will create problem for us but you didn't listen.

Avni shocked.

Avni: he is also a ghost.

Neil look at her and nodes yes avni shocked.

Vidyut: yes I am now I will not spare you.

Neil: vidyut go from here.

Vidyut: no.

Neil: I said go it's an order for you.

Vidyut stops and vanished avni shocked and look at neil.

Neil: after dad they choose me as the head of our community.

Avni: vidyut also lost someone.

Neil: he also lived with us but he don't like to live in cemetery so he was not there at that time but he lost his wife and his new born baby.

Avni shocked Neil look at her head.

Neil: your head is bleeding let me treat you.

Avni: you have the power to heal the wounds.

Neil chuckles.

Neil: no let me do the bandage.

Avni: no I am fine I will do it myself.

Neil: avni please don't be afraid from me I will not do anything to you.

Avni: then why you scared me?

Neil: it didn't do anything first let me do the bandage then I will tell you the truth ok.

Avni nodes yes Neil made her stand and then made her sit on the couch and went to her room and took out the first aid box from the cupboard and came back he did the bandage avni hissed in pain Neil blows there then the eyelock after doing the bandage.

Avni: now tell me.

Neil look at her.

Neil: when you came here i was already here I was clear in my mind that I will made you scared and you will run away from here like others.

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