Chapter 08

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Avni: are you ghost?

Neil shocked and look at her then he smiles.

Neil: what are you saying avni am I look like a ghost to you?

Avni: this is not the answer of my question why you are ignoring my questions why anyone don't know you here why you didn't go anywhere you said you run an online business which type of business you run.

Neil: hey calm down owner didn't meet me since months that's why may be he forget about me.

Avni: then come with me to the Mr shah and meet him.

Neil shocked.

Neil: avni why are you doing this?

Avni: why are you shocked just come with me and proved me wrong.

Neil look at her.

Avni: what happened why you became silent come with me and proved me wrong you are a human right then what's the problem in giving proofs.

Avni was continuously asking Neil got angry and shout while closing his eyes.

Neil: yes I am a ghost.

Avni shocked Neil look at her he went to her by saying.

Neil: avni avni listen to me.

Avni takes the steps back.

Avni: do don't touch me p please li live me.

Neil look at her with teary eyes.

Neil: avni listen to me.

Avni runs from there Neil close the door with his eyes and lock that avni got scared she tries to open that.

Neil: avni don't waste your energy it will not open till I don't want.

Avni turns to him and cries.

Avni: le leave me wh what I did to you I I promise I will go from here please leave me.

Neil: avni please listen to me.

Avni: p please let me go.

Neil was losing his calm.

Neil: avni listen to me.

Avni shouts.

Avni: I don't want to listen to you I just want to go you are a murderer you killed that innocent owner.

Neil shouts.

Neil: he was not innocent he was the murderer he killed my whole family.

Avni shocked to hear that Neil cries and sit on his knees.

Avni: what?

Neil was crying.

Avni: how he killed your famliy?

Neil look at her avni feels bad to see him she wants to console him but she was also afraid from him.

Neil: he made this building on the cemetery.

Avni shocked.

Avni: what?

Neil: yes two years ago I lived with my family and other ghost in the cemetery we were happy in our life I had a family in which I had a loving mother a caring father and 2 naughty sisters my father was the head of our community we had our home but my dad was the pure soul he gave our home to the other ghost and came to live in that cemetery we all were proud of him we were happy there too one day my dad called all the ghosts and asked us to take oath that we will never scare any person because some human captivates our friends because they went to the human area so he don't want that human came in our area and do something wrong my dad said those who are with us can live with us and those who disagree are free to go most of us took the oath that we can not scare people then all was good till that noon.

Neil stops.

Avni: what happened that day?

Neil close his eyes and hears the scream of his family and other ghosts.

Neil: that day I was sleeping on the tree as I loved to sleep there I woke up by hearing some sound I hopped down and saw some no many people there I frown to see them then I saw the bulldozer and shocked I went to my famil and asked my father what they are trying to do He said he had no idea then I saw the dreadful thing they start destroying the cemetery and put fellow ghost start running and screaming I tried to fight but my father stoped me and said Neil you promised me you will not harm humans I said dad they are killing our friends and we have to fight but he said no we will not fight with them and he announced to all run all were running and screaming some died while running they came under the feet of others some died by coming under that bulldozer I was looking at them my father asked me run i asked dad you he said don't think about me you go I am the head I have to be here I denied to go but he gave me his swear I ran from there and stoped at the good distance I got saved but I lost my family my friends I saw them dying in front on my eyes my father gave his life by coming infront of the bulldozer I think he thought he got failed to save his community I lost my everything.

Avni's eyes were filled with tears.

Avni: but what was the fault of that owner he didn't saw you all right.

Neil: yes he didn't saw us but what about those people who were buried there what about their loved ones who came to meet them in different occasions why you human always poke your nose in everything did you left a single place you made home in the water what about those species you people broke the cemetery which was the resting place of hundred people you people even didn't left the moon you want to make the homes there atleast spare moon and what is the fault of stars you even didn't left them you people buy the stars I mean what's the use of that you people only think about yourself did you ever think about other creatures of God how they lived their lives you people caged the birds and animals just by saying you love them you went to forest and killed the animals and when a lion and another animal killed a human you all screamed why you went there why you just can't let them live there peacefully no one will come in your areas and home it's you people who always invite the problems.

Avni remains silent.

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