Stable Boy (Pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

"Cmon Pete, it'll be fun," I encouraged.


~July 16~

Peter POV

Shuri and I had a great time, I was really really happy to see her, but I also felt bad for making her worry.

She told me about how Flash not only tore down my home, but him and his goons defaced Ben and Mays graves on "accident" during construction.

We shead tears together over her death.

But soon enough a week passed and the next thing I knew I was seeing her off at the front gate.

"Peter, why don't you come with us!" Shuri exclaimed, "we'll buy that horse you love so much, then you can come live with us!"

"I would not be opposed to the idea," T'challa added.

I thought about it, it wouldn't actually be that bad. I could work for them like I do here. Plus I would get to see Shuri every day, and that would be awesome.

Then my eyes flicked over to Harley, who looked over to me and smiled.

I gave him a smile back, then came to my decision.

"I'm sorry," I say, eyes drifting back to Shuri, "You both have always been too kind to me. You offer is generious, but I have friends here now. I like working with the people here. If I go with you guys, I'll have to start all over again."

Shuri looked to the side, then smirked.

"Ahh. Do not worry about it. Just know that you are always welcome in Wakanda,"

"Of course, and I promise that it'll be less than 6 months till we see each other again,"

"Obviously," she rolled her eyes and pulled me in for a hug.

After all of us said our goodbyes, I watched them ride off down the road.

"What was that about?" Harley asked, appring next to me.

"Just saying goodbye, they wanted me to go with them," I turned to look at him.

"And ya didn't?" He asked, sounding surprised.

"Nah, I like it here."

Harley let out a soft laugh.

"Well I'm glad ya didn't go, who else would saddle my horse?"

"You could learn to do it yourself," I said, laughing.

"Mmh hmm. Wanna go riding?"

"Sure," I say, smiling.

I think I made the right choice.

~July 22nd~

Harley POV

"Hey Pete!" I yelled, walking into the stables.

This small lord and his son where coming. Tony sent me down to make sure we had stables for their horses. Not that I was complaining, it was an excuse to say hi to Peter.

"Hey Harles! What's up?" He set down the saddle he was carrying and dues ted off his hands.

"Tony told me to ask ya if we had two stalls available. This small town lord and his son are coming by soon to discuss maybe selling us some of their land. He wants to make sure we have somewhere to put the horses," I explained.

"Oh yeah, I'll just move Stella to the field," He picked up a rag and some stirrups to clean them, "where are they from?"

"I think it's called Midtown? I-"

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