The Angel And The Lord (Eps 5)

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Though they did not find it, they know who it was.

Now all they had to do was wait until he showed himself once more.




There was a Silence throughout The Heavens. Not a word was uttered.

The Silence brung tension that could Make anyone Uncomfortable.

The Two Archangels and Spiritual Being looked down at the Boy Gabriel just defeated. Eyes filled with uncertainty and caution.

Isabelle. Feeling the Emotions of her master Suddenly Collapsed and clutched her head in pain.

Gabriel:"Isabelle! Are you alright!?" She said Crouching down to her With an concerned look on her face.

Isabelle:"Y-Yes...As i S-Said...When Master Feels...P-Pain...I'll also feel it...Even when he hides it..." She Muttered as she Groaned in Pain holding her neck.

Gabriel:"Michael Help her up. I'll get (Y/N)" She told him as he nodded and Wrapped Isabelles arm around his neck.

Gabriel Picked (Y/N) Up and ushered Michael to follow her.

Gabriel looked at him in anguish.

Gabriel:'It wasn't supposed to be like this...You getting Sold and captured...Being beaten and tortured for months...You have so much potential to be someone great, but those memories could hinder your growth...God please...Help your Son with the last of your power. Even if it takes some of's my fault that This happened to you....I thought that....Your family would actually take care of you....I guess the Death of god really got to them i guess...' She thought Sadly as she looked at Him.

Gabriel:"Y-...You look just like him..." She Said as Tears Threatened to fall from her eyes as she saw the resemblance of the two and Placed her Hand On His Face.

Gabriel:"Hopefully you don't Go out the way he did." She solemnly said as her and Michael Carried the two forwards.




(First Person POV) AKA (Y/N)

"Ugh...What happened..."

I awakened in a daze Unsure of what had happened the day before.


id I....Pass out somehow? It's possible I guess.

As my eyes opened I saw that i was in a Medium Sized room. I was on a white Queen Sized bed with a Blueish green Cover that was put over me. The walls were White as well as most of the furniture in the room.

Jeez talk about loving white up here.

As I looked around, observing my surroundings.

All of the Memories of what happened filled my mind.

It was all so sudden and I couldn't think straight.

"That All You Got?" Male Reader X Highschool DxD [Season 1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora