19. How would you like the eggs to leave you?

Start from the beginning

Fun fact about myself as I drive through the freeways with only Terry Crews's voice on Waze waking me up: I don't actually know how to get to Vegas. It's obviously been almost a year since we went there, and I wasn't the one driving so I didn't recall much. But there's one thing that's racing through my mind right now, and that's getting our wedding pictures. The last bit of our relationship was maybe my trump card.

On the way there, I give Ian a call, but he doesn't answer. Probably asleep, but when I call again, he does, "Hello?"

"Hey," I greet him awkwardly.

"Oh, Shayne, what's up?" he asks, yawning. "It's eight in the morning. Have you had enough sleep to call me this early after New Year?"

"I haven't had sleep at all, thanks for asking," I reply. "Uh, so anyway, can I... meet you for brunch?"

"Wow, brunch sounds too fancy for us," he remarks, laughing. "Look, Shayne. I know you're still upset about the sanction."

"I am, very much so, correct, yes."

"You sound like you're kinda high right now, so everything alright?"

"I may or may not have driven to Vegas to do something stupid," I tell him as I pass by the Welcome sign. "So, uh, brunch? I think I'll be quick here and back at LA by 12."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, you're in Vegas?!" he shouts. "Why?"

I sigh and answer, "I just feel like I didn't get to defend our relationship well last night, so... I'm getting some substantial evidence maybe? I dunno how the lawyers do it, even though Boze explained to me the concept of court when we did Smosh & Order."

"I don't know what you're gonna do in there, but fine and also don't drive home too energized, okay?" he replies. "We can have brunch at my place, I'll cook up some stuff."

"Awww, that's cute."

"Awww, you're high," he says. "Take care on your way back, and don't do anything stupid."

"I can't do myself, Ian."

When I park into our hotel's parking space, I take a deep breath. I don't even know where I'd get our pictures, and I don't even know if they exist at all. But if they kept records of who got married when and where, then maybe... Just maybe. I've always relied on the concept of maybe it's possible, maybe I can do it, maybe it'll be okay. But now, I know that maybe isn't an option. I have to get those pictures.

Upon arriving at the front desk, a nice lady greets me, probably around her 40s. "Good morning, sir, how may I help you today?" she asks me.

"Um, so... good morning by the way. Uh, people get married in here every day, right?" I reply, and she nods. "Do you guys happen to have, like, a record of those who get married here?"

"Well, yes, but we aren't allowed to show it to anyone," she answers.

"Oh, I don't need to see it," I explain. "Uh, so I got married to my best friend here, but I didn't really retrieve our wedding pictures. I was wondering if you could check out who the photographer was at our wedding so I could get the photos."

"We actually have the collection of photos left behind," she tells me, smiling. "Just give me your names and the date."

"Uh, Shayne Robert Topp and Courtney Miller. February 23, 2020."

"Oh, almost a year," she remarks as she pulls some drawers from the other side of concierge. "Let me see here... don't worry about paying though. Wedding photos are usually prepaid, so no problem for you!"

"Thank you so much," I answer. "I can't believe I only went here now."

"You must be from far away?"

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