16. One thing I haven't experienced is the warmth of a man.

Beginne am Anfang

When I leave the office and get back to the apartment, I give Shayne a text that I had arrived so he could leave the office. As I pack my stuff, I realize how empty this place is going to look like when we return from Colorado. Since I was moving out on the 31st, I had to start packing up as soon as we return from Christmas break. Smosh had a New Year's party, so we had to be back here before the 31st. It feels just like yesterday when Shayne and I were cleaning and putting up picture frames.

Time moves too quickly. When Shayne arrives, Damien was with him and he was going to drive us to the airport. As Shayne organized some stuff for our flight, I was attending an online class as we waited.

"Hey, how's it going?" he asks as soon as he sits next to me, handing me my ticket and my passport. "We're all good to go... that is, if our plane arrives on time. If I'm not mistaken, there isn't a blizzard or anything in Colorado, so I don't think we'll get our flight delayed."

"Nice," I remark after finishing an online class.

"You sure you're okay with this?" he says, looking a bit worried. "You can still back out if you want."

"No, it's cool," I assure him. "You helped me explain to my parents, so of course I'm gonna help you explain to mine. And your mom paid for this flight, man. It'd be rude of me to just disappear after she's paid for it."

"Yeah, you're right," he replies, leaning back in his seat. "I just don't know how to tell them yet. My brothers would probably all be like, 'Eh, Shayne, how come you don't got a real girlfriend yet?' And my nieces would tease me about it."

"I almost forgot you had nieces, they're adorable," I tell him, grinning. "Well, hey, I just finished a scriptwriting class. Wanna write a script together?"

"And use it to explain to my family? Courtney, your genius is showing."

"Where?" I exclaim, laughing, and he pinches my arm, grinning. "Ow ow ow ow! That hurts, man."

As soon as Shayne puts out his laptop and opens up a blank file, we suddenly see our flight get delayed as the snow in Colorado was starting to brew. We couldn't make a good landing if that's happening, and he's already texted his mom that we were running late.

We make a script though, and I gotta say, Shayne just has an incredible knack for words. "I get it from all the reading, I guess," he says.

"Haha, nerd," I remark, pointing at him.

"You literally brought all of your textbooks with you."

"Haha, nerd," I add, pointing at myself.

When the flight gets even more and more delayed, everyone at the airport was getting restless. The LAX was always filled, but most offices had declared Christmas breaks prior to the 23rd, whereas GMM and Smosh had to wait a few more days to wrap up filming. So basically, people at the LAX right now are those who also just got dismissed for Christmas break today. Probably a thousand or so, and the rest are pilots, flight attendants, guards, and other crew members. There were some places to eat at, so Shayne and I had decided to eat at KFC for the time being.

"People are getting pissed," Shayne says before biting into his Twister. "Not a good day for LAX."

"Is everyone headed to Colorado and the surrounding area?" I ask, frowning. "I think every flight got delayed because of some snowstorm over there."

"Probably," he answers. "Honestly, by each hour our flight continues to get delayed, I'm getting more stressed. I just wanna sleep or whatever."

"By the looks of it, you might fall asleep," I tell him. "Don't worry, it's not like we'll be here for the rest of the evening."

Here's To Us [Shourtney]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt