The Reaper's Birthday

Start from the beginning

Alexis: Thank you for today.

Scott: It's not often that I get to spend time with just you because of our schedules, Today has been so nice. 

Alexis: Just you wait til tomorrow, I am going to make it your best birthday. 

Scott: So no hint at all what I'm in store for?  

Alexis: *Teasing him with kisses on his cheek* Your just going to have to be a good boy and wait. 

Scott: *Shivering* Have mercy!

They passed a farm house that had a sign saying that they had piglets for adoption. Alexis talked Scott into stopping so they could look. As they pulled into the driveway an elderly couple walked out and greeted them. 

Tom: Hello there. Are you here about the pigs? 

Alexis: Yes, is it possible that we could see them? 

Alice: Right this way. 

Scott and Alexis followed the couple out to the barn where they walked in and seen 8 piglets walking around in a pin. As soon as Alexis saw them she light up with excitement. Alexis spotted one that was in the back corner and tending to stay by itself. 

Alexis: *Tapping Scott and pointing* OMG look at him, He is so beautiful. 

Scott: Are pigs good house pets? 

Tom: Oh yes, they make really good house pets. Are you thinking about adopting one?

Scott: *Looked at Alexis and Smiled* I think we will take the one in the corner. 

Alexis: *Jumped on Scott with excitement* Oh Thank you so much! 

Scott: *Kisses Alexis* Go get the newest member of the Wilson Family. He will give Buddy some company.  

Alexis walked into the pin as Scott filled out the paperwork for the adoption. When they got back in the Jeep, Alexis kept the pig on her lap while they continued back to their house. 

Scott: So what are you going to name him? 

Alexis: Larry Steve! 

Scott: *confused* Larry Steve? Why Larry Steve?

Alexis: That's the first name that came to mind.

Scott: *Nodding* Ok, Welcome to the Family Larry Steve Wilson. 

They pulled up to the house and Scott reached for the garage opener but Alexis snatched it and kept it out of his reach. Scott looked at her confused again before shaking his head and parking the Jeep in front of the garage. Scott took the bags into the house and sat them by the front door where Buddy greeted them. Alexis knelt down and sat Larry Steve on the floor so that the two animals could meet each other. Buddy was following Larry around and sniffing him before the two went outside to run around for a while. 

Scott and Alexis changed into their swim gear before coming outside and watched Buddy and Larry playing some more. Scott picked Alexis up and carried her over to the pool and held her out like he was going to drop her in. 


Scott smiled at Alexis as he fell backwards into the pool. Both of them came up out of the water and Alexis gave Scott a stern look while he was smiling at her. 

Alexis: I can't stand you sometimes, you know that right? 

Scott: But I know that you love me so that's all that matters. 

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