He cut off his thoughts because he was already freezing cold. He went to Yoongi's drawer and took out a spare towel. Beside the drawer was Yoongi's study table.

He quickly went to Yoongi's bathroom that is adjacent of Yoongi's bed and took a nice shower.

When he finished, there was already a set of prepared clothes sitting at the edge of Yoongi's bed and so he immediately took the set of clothes and wore it.

It was a light blue wool sweater that is warm for rainy days and off white pants that fits him perfectly.

He towel-dried his hair and went out of Yoongi's room to help Yoongi prepare for dinner.

When he went to the dining table, everything was set already. The amazing smell of fried fish and gimbap filled his nose.

"Jimin, you took so long that i was the only one preparing all the dishes." Yoongi irratedly muttered. He was wearing a big black shirt and shorts that revealed his perfectly white skin. "Come here, let's eat."

Jimin went to sit infront of Yoongi with joy and ate with a happy heart.


Jimin could tell Yoongi was staring at him. He tried to deny it but everytime he thinks Yoongi wasn't staring, he could feel it more even when he's only looking at his plate.

"Hyung, why are you staring?" Jimin asked quietly. Yoongi shrugged and Jimin could see a faint of pink in his cheeks.

"Nothing... it's just-" Yoongi begins. "You look better wearing that sweater than me." Yoongi shamelessly pointed out while placing his chopsticks on the plate.

Jimin was confused but once the words had settled in his mind, he completely flushed.

Yoongi just chuckled and went on his dinner like nothing had happened. Jimin was silently repeating what Yoongi had said in his mind and he could hear his heartbeat everytime he thinks of what had happened earlier.


After dinner, the rain hasn't stopped yet and it was already 11 in the evening. Jimin just decided to sleep in Yoongi's room.

He placed a sleeping mat beside Yoongi's bed and prepared the blankets and a pillow that he could use. Yoongi was still cleaning up the dishes they used so he was still in the kitchen.

When he finished setting up his bed, Jimin checked the time and it was already 11:45 in the evening. He was completely tired so he decided to just sleep earlier than Yoongi.

He laid down and pulled the blankets up until his shoulders. He was completely drained from all the running in the rain so he was happy he could finally rest and end the day.

Just as he closed his eyes, he could hear the door of Yoongi's room open.


Jimin still wasn't asleep yet but he decided to close his eyes and act like he already did. He could hear Yoongi's footsteps coming closer and closer to Jimin.

"Jiminie." Yoongi begins.

Jimin contemplated whether he should wake up and respond or not but in the end, he didn't.

Jimin could hear Yoongi's footsteps closer and closer now. It was not long until he could feel Yoongi sitting beside Jimin.

Jimin was confused yet he waited of what Yoongi might do. Did he want to say something important to him? If so why didn't he just say it while eating dinner? Why is he so close to him when his bed is in-

His thoughts were cut off when a pair of lips crashed into his.

Jimin was appalled.

It was a simple peck, yet he wondered if it hold meaning to Yoongi just as what it had meaning to Jimin.

He feels Yoongi getting up from beside Jimin and walked to his own bed. Jimin was still at shock he could hear his heart beating loudly from his chest.


After that night, Yoongi acted like it didn't happen. Jimin waited for Yoongi to explain what he did yet he was left with no answers at all.

It went on for days, and to months. Jimin lost all hope of waiting for Yoongi's explanation so he kept his mouth shut and made a promise to never speak of it again.

· • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • ·


Okayy that was a long chapter. I made this chapter to take a trip down memory lane when Jimin first realized his love for Yoongi.

This chapter is helpful in the future chapters so i hope you read word by word😉

Thank you for reading!!! see you in the future chapters.

p.s : u are loved♡

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