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"It's nice to see you're home again," Noah said with a smirk as Kyra stood there in the doorway. He couldn't help but notice the surprised look on her face. He figured that it was due to the fact that he had changed so much since she last saw him.

He was several inches taller, his voice was deeper, he finally got his braces off so his teeth were straight and his skin was no longer covered in acne. Long story short, he knew he looked good. This was confirmed by the dozens of girls that tried to get his attention every day at school.

But he never paid any attention to them. None of them could live up to the first love of his life. Who just happened to be standing right in front of him and somehow seemed more nervous than he was. Or was that his imagination?

"I'm so sorry, I was just surprised to..." Kyra trailed off as she lost her train of thought. "How about you come in?"

Noah chuckled nervously and stepped into the house he was all too familiar with. He had been over several times since Kyra left, helping Phil out with repairs around the house.
He had done a few minor things in Kyra's room. Some paint touch ups and watering the plants on the balcony.

He studied her face for a moment. How was it possible that in 3 years he had changed so much yet she stayed exactly the same. The same smooth chestnut colored skin, the dozens of freckles that were sprinkled across her nose, her soft curly hair that he had played in so many times as a child. How he would love to run his fingers through it now.

"So Noah," Kyra began, snapping him away from his thoughts. "How have you been?"

When she flashed him that smile he lost any bit of cool that he had at first. His heart started racing and he started shifting from foot to foot awkwardly.

"Oh, me? Fine. I've been awesome." They stood there quietly for a moment before he held the plate out to her. "We brought this for you."

Kyra reached out and took the plate, looking back up to flash him that smile again.
"Aw that's so sweet! You guys didn't have to bring anything."

"It's a cake, you know," He mentally bashed himself for such a dumb comment. Kyra giggled a bit and nodded.

"Yeah, it sure is. Tres Leches is my absolute favorite. Well, everyone's in the dining room. Right this way."

She quickly turned, the familiar scent of her coconut shampoo catching in the air and filling his nostrils as she did so.

He ducked his head a bit as he followed behind her. He was more than a little disappointed in himself.

He had three years to prepare what he would say to her when he saw her again and the moment he laid eyes on her all of that went out the window.

'It's a cake.' He silently mocked himself. Real smooth, Vargas.


After dinner and chatting for a bit, the Jacksons went home to get their little one to bed. They both gave Kyra a hug and Crystal promised that they would catch up soon.

Mrs. Kendall stayed a little longer, insisting on helping with the clean up. Noah's mom took her lead and also decided to stay and help.

Now the women were sitting together and talking over coffee with Sofia sitting on Lois' lap and Mr. Dawson had fallen asleep in his chair.

Noah sat at the table, unnoticed by the group of ladies in the room and pretended to scroll through his phone.

What he was actually doing was waiting for Kyra to step away from the group, for a moment to get her alone so he would be able to redeem himself from their clumsy reunion earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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