Amelia decided to wait until after the meal to make her move. She thought that the host and whoever, might talk business in that first hour before the meal. So, after the meal and the music started for the dancing and mingling part of the night, she got up and made her way down a hallway that had a bathroom and had the brothers offices. She had a couple of creatures hide in the bathroom to make sure that no one would come use them because when she came out of the offices, she would go to the bathroom just in case someone was coming their way. Then she had Grian wait at the end of the hallway which would have a view of any people coming. She also had an ear piece on a call with Toby so he could tell her also if anyone was leaving the big dining room they were in. It was almost as big as the banquet hall at the venue but not quite as big.

Her adrenaline was pulsing but she was pretty calm at the same time. Even though she hated stressful situations, she could handle herself under pressure. She entered the office and went straight for the desk which was facing the door but by the windows on the far end of the room. She made a silent apology because she realized what she was doing was disrespectful to the deceased. She opened all of the desk drawers and the papers looked pretty normal looking. She decided to feel the underside of the desk and felt a key. She pulled it out and knew it must be for a safe. She went to the closet that was to the left of the desk and behind some boxes, she found a safe. In the safe she found what she was looking for. She took pictures of all the papers and other contents of the safe just in case.

As she was quickly rifling through the papers, something caught her eye. It was notes on the plans her father made for him. It was going to be an auction house like Rin thought. They were going to specialize with creatures, rare items, and people. That made her skin crawl. They were going to sell people? Then there was a small note towards the bottom that said, "Secret partner: Taichi?"

"Elia, Clark and Solomon are heading your way with a couple of others." She heard Toby say on the phone.

"Thanks. I got what I could." She said quickly, as she put the papers and other contents back in the safe. She put it back where she found it and same with the key. Her hands were getting shaky at this point and so she dropped the key. "Crap." She muttered to herself.

"What's wrong?" Toby said in a low, panicked voice.

"I'm being a butterfingers." She said as she quickly tried again. Being successful this time. She ran to the door and quietly closed it. She glanced down the hallway at Grian who was looking between her and the people coming. She didn't have much time left. She knocked on the door, "Guys, it's me, open up now." She didn't hear anything but tried the handle. Locked. "Guys, now is not the time for pranking me." She could hear laughter coming from the creatures on the other side of the door. She looked down the hall again and could see shadows approaching the corner to the hall she was in and Grian looking frantic. "If you don't open this door now, you won't get any shiny objects." This got their attention and the laughter stopped. The door slowly started to open and she yanked it open the rest of the way. She quickly shut the door and locked it. Then she slumped down the door to catch her breath.

"Amelia?" Toby asked.

"I made it. Don't worry. I'll be back shortly." She whispered into the phone and then ended the call. "Guys, that seriously wasn't the time." She gave a warning look which made the animal looking creatures shrink back a little. She didn't mean to be so intimidating. She softened the look on her face and ruffled their heads. "It ended well this time but if we ever need your help again, this can't happen, got it?"

They nodded but started laughing again. "Your face was funny, though! But okay, we want you talk to us again so we won't do that to you anymore."

"Good, now here are your shiny objects like I promised. No fighting over them though." What felt like a long time, was only really less than 10 minutes altogether. She heard the people enter the office and that's when she decided to head back to the party. She was gone long enough.

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