" Y/N!" yells Tom, he's in front of you grabbing your arm as scarlet energy snakes over your hands. " We're in that dream again!"

" I know! But where's this city Tom? We need to find out where it is so I can stop the vortex!" You scream

" I don't know!" he yells, spinning in a circle, " Wait, you have to stop the vortex? How?!"

" I don't know! I-I'll try wrapping it in chaos magic. I need to stop it or our universe will disappear!" Yanking out of Toms grasp you sprint towards the vortex, scarlet energy exploding like lightning over your body. Shooting your arms forward you send a surge of it charging towards the vortex, but just before the chaos magic reaches it a tendril of dark energy lashes the building next to you. It explodes with a deafening crash, brick flies everywhere, glass shatters and you're thrown sideways into a shop front. Smashing into chairs and tables, agony erupts as your bones break and blood runs down your ears from the force of the explosion. You strike the back wall of the shop and land in a crumpled heap at the base...

You jolt out of bed, heart racing, scarlet energy pulsing over your body as you stumble out into the lounge room of the hotel, collapsing onto your knees. The dream felt so real. Phantom bites of pain echo along your body from where you hit the shopfront. It's night time and the city lights blink at you serenely from the windows, a contrast to the terror you feel . The silence is heavy, punctuated by your gasps for air.

You hear a thump then racing footsteps as Tom comes running out of the bedroom. You spin around and stand up, " I thought I'd lost you," Tom croaks, face tortured, eyes red. He rushes over, cupping your face in his hands and brings his lips to yours. You frown in confusion at Toms tears, cupping his face gently when he parts.

" You went flying into that shop, and when I reached you, you weren't breathing..." Tom trails off a haunted look in his eyes.

A pause follows in which you both stare at each other," Was I dead?"

" I don't know."

" Can I look through your memories to find out?" Your heart races as a serpent of dread coils in your stomach at what you might find.

"Sure," you clasp Toms hand, scarlet energy snaking through it as you go through his memories and relive what he saw in the dream. He's screaming your name, web shoots from his arm as he hauls himself through the broken window. He leaps over broken furniture, glass and concrete. Your body is in a mangled heap at the back of the shop, covered in bricks, dust, blood and a sheet of wall. He rushes over, tears marring his vision as he frantically hauls the bricks and wall off you. He screams your name again, his voice lost in the roar of the vortex as it gets closer. Your chest is still and he feels for a pulse, but then he wakes and you're both brought back to the present.

You're breathless, nausea roiling in your gut. You both stare at each other, as a heavy silence follows. You don't know if you died and neither does Tom. " I think you would've survived... Scarlet Witch is very powerful." Tom says, voice strong, but you can see the doubt and sorrow in his eyes. The idea of not knowing whether you die or not in a few weeks  terrifies you so much that you shut down. You don't want to think about it, and you want to distract yourself so you change the subject," Was that the only dream you had tonight?"

" Yeah, why?"

" Well I had another one, before that dream. It was all emptiness and darkness. There was no one left, everything was gone, it was awful... Scarlet Witch said that's what will happen if we don't stop Dark Phoenix from destroying our universe, she's the one who sends the vortex."

" What? Why does Dark Phoenix want to destroy our universe?"

" Scarlet Witch said it's because the people in the Marvel Universe know that their people are disappearing into ours, so they're sending her to finish off our universe so people stop disappearing from theirs... It's going to happen at the end of the month and Scarlet Witch said we have to train for it so she can get stronger and leave before it happens, or so I can protect us. But I don't even know where to begin! How do we train for this? Who will show us what to do?" Tears well in your eyes, as you start pacing, hands fisting your hair, "I don't even know where this city is..." You collapse onto the couch in defeat.

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