Ch. 7

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I wake up in my room meaning I'm still alive, sadly. All I remember is getting beat and then Mary and Kali (Mary's sister) cleaning the blood off my body. I get up and feel the pain that I felt from earlier and it hurt so fucking bad, it feels like I got hit by a bus.. ten million fucking times. I push through the pain and walk down stairs to find two notes. The first one I picked up was from the witch her self saying that she was spending the night at her boyfriend's house. The other one was from Mary saying that she took the girls to eat and that she would bring me back something to eat and a Baha Blast. As I finish reading the last note I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see the person that I least wanted to see, Drake. I totally forgot that he knew where I lived since we use to be friends and he use to come over all the time. As I tried to slam the door in his face he catches it with his foot a swings it open " look if it's a gift from Shelby you can keep it, okay?" I say in an annoyed tone and he replies "nice to see you too." "Drake what do you want?" I say getting more aggrevated and rolling my eyes and turning towards the kitchen. He grabs my arm and turns me around to face him and he just looks at me, "you look terrible, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you so badly Rion" I answer back " don't worry about it you didn't hurt me that bad." I turn around and head to the kitchen and yell from the kitchen "do you want anything to drink or to snack on!" "Just a water please, thank you." he yells back. I know what you're thinking 'why the hell am I being nice to the person who bullies me and put me in the hospital' even after all that happened I still love him like a brother, and I don't get mad when he picks on me. I get mad because he let's Shelby push him around like that and does nothing about it. I walk back into the living room and hand him a water bottle and he sits down and says "if I didn't do that than who did?" I look down at the ground and simply say "nobody, don't worry about it." "So you expect me to believe that you did that to yourself Rion?!!" he yells. "Now that's just some fucking crap Drake! Why the fuck do you care if someone hurts me when you can just stand by and watch Shelby and her posse push me around for two years! Don't come in here and all of a sudden act like you care! Okay? Now get the fuck out and don't ever talk to me ever again!" I can't believe I just said that, it hurt so much for me to say that to him especially since I love him so much but it's for his own good. He can't be friends with someone like me and go out with Shelby Blake, it can't be done and even though he doesn't know that I know that and I don't want him to be bullied at school because of me. He looks at me with tears in his eyes and no matter how much I want to cry and give him a hug and say I'm sorry and that I miss him I can't, and that's what hurts even more. He finally says "no" and I could hear him choking back tears "I lost you once and I don't want to lose you again, please. I'm sor-" I cut him off and "just get out." He runs out and I quickly close the door behind him and just break down crying, the tears I've held back for years of being screwed over by so many people and all these feelings of being alone and unloved and letting that one person that sheds a tear of just the thought of losing you walk out of your life again. I just feel like crap and wished that I died earlier so I wouldn't have to deal with this pain. I hear a knock at the door and as I'm hoping to see Drake again to say sorry and just pour my feelings out to him like we use to when we were younger. I opened the door in tears and see the people that I least expected to see and I look like hell.

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