Ch. 1

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"I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" I yell as I run down the hall trying to get away from that monster chasing me. Sadly that monster is my father, I hate him I'd rather be dead than to spend another minute with him. As I'm running I feel his cold hands wrap around my wrist "you should not have ran little girl. Now I going to teach you a lesson about running away from me, this is going to be fun for me. You? Not so much." He says with that evil smile, I know what's coming next. In my defense I thought I was finally going to get away. He picks me up and throws me at the wall, it hurt but I can tell you now that I does't hurt as much as what is coming next. I fall to the ground and he runs up and starts kicking me in the stomach and he slaps me, at this point I'm coughing up blood, he then pick me by the neck and takes my head and bangs it against the table about five times. As the blood runs down my face I feel everything spinning and I feel numb, I drop to the floor and he starts kicking me again but this time it doesn't hurt cause I'm numb. The last thing I hear echoing in my ear is the door burst open and a police officer tackles my dad to the ground and another officer comes in and comes by my side. She yells something at the police officer dealing with my dad and thats when the darkness comsumes me.

It's sad to think that happened five years ago and I'm fourteen turning fifteen in two months. To be completely honest he wasn't always like that, when I was little I was happy with a mom and dad, and then it started going down hill from there. My mom and dad ended up spliting up and my mom ended up getting full custody of me since the reason my parents split was because my dad had a drinking problem and family court felt that my dad was not a suited dad. I ended with him after my mom passed away in a car accedent and went to live with my monster of a dad.

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