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Warning: This chapter mentions death, blood, and violence.

The castle was dark. It was the night of the Blood Moon. Under the Blood Moon, anything could happen. It was the one night that spirits had an unimaginable amount of power. Enough power to fully cross into the human world. (Y/n) clutched the dagger to her chest.

'If I try to sacrifice you, you have to stab this into my chest. No matter what, you have to kill me if I try to sacrifice you. Okay?'

'San. P-please, I can't do tha-'

'Yes you can. Yes you can, (Y/n).'

He pressed his forehead against hers. Tears were cascading down her cheeks.


Her voice broke as he disappeared. And left her crying by herself.

Her heart raced. The castle was so dark. And she could hear the boys calling for her in the halls. She could hear them banging on doors, looking for her. She just had to survive until sunrise.


She had to cover her mouth. She could hear him. But she knew it wasn't him. It was the Blood Moon.

"Come on out, baby."

(Y/n) hoped he wouldn't find her. She looked up and San's eyes were staring straight at her.

"I found you, babygirl."

Her lip trembled as she let ran out of the dresser. San chuckled and lurched forward. He grabbed her ankle.

"That's not very nice. It's rude to run away from your boyfriend."

(Y/n) kicked him away and scrambled to her feet. She ran straight into Mingi's chest.

"You gotta be f*cking kidding me."

She kicked him away from her and ran down the stairs.

"Found you."

Yunho smiled crazily and tried to grab her.

"F*ck off!"

She ran down the stairs and San picked her up.

"Let me go!"

"You've been very disrespectful this entire night."

"Let go of me!"

She struggled as San threw her over his shoulder.

"Let me go! Let me go!!"

(Y/n) elbowed him hard behind his neck and he dropped her.


"Get off of me!"

San pinned (Y/n) to the floor. His eyes were unfamiliar. This wasn't San.

"What's wrong? You don't like when your boyfriend pins you to the floor like this?"

"You're not my San! Get off of me!"

(Y/n) kicked him off of herself and ran to the garden.

"The crest. The crest, where is the crest?!"

"Looking for this?"

San was sitting on top of the headstone. He held the crest in his hand.

"Please. Please don't-"

He crushed it and (Y/n)'s heart broke.

"What a shame. Did you give that to him? It was a lovely crest."

(Y/n) couldn't take it anymore. She exploded in fury and attacked him. She was so angry. So afraid. San grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

"It's me. I'm still your Choi San."

(Y/n) shook her head.

"No. No you're not."

She pushed him off of her and ran the opposite direction. She ran into the greenhouse. She fell to her knees, she was so afraid. She was so tired.

"1 hour..."

She laid down in the grass.

"The sun is coming up, (Y/n). You can make it."

"Are you gonna make it?"

Hongjoong threw (Y/n) over his shoulder. She cried out angrily and kicked his chest. She was so tired. Tired of running. Tired of living.



San held Pip against his chest.

"Such a cute puppy."

"You would never hurt him. You love that dog."

"I love you, don't I?"

"You won't kill me."

"I won't?"

He snapped the dog's neck and (Y/n) sobbed.

"No! Oh no!"

San grabbed her hair and dragged her through the garden. She screamed and cried out in pain.

"Let me go!"

She struggled to free herself.

"Let me go! San!"

He pulled her up and smiled crazily.

"Let me g-"

San buried the dagger into (Y/n)'s chest. She gasped helplessly.


He pulled out the dagger and slit her throat. He laughed as the blood streamed down her chest. He dragged her dying body to the tree and tied the noose around her neck.

"So beautiful."


She could barely gurgle out a sentence, but she smiled softly nevertheless.

"I-i love y-yo-u."

He pulled the rope roughly and her neck snapped. Her lifeless body swung from side to side as the sun began to rise. His smile fell.

The Blood Moon was over. The sacrifice was too late.

He stared in disbelief at the girl.


Yunho quickly cut the rope loose, but it was useless. She was dead even before she was hung.

"No. No, no please."

San begged. It couldn't be true. He didn't do this. She wasn't dead. No. He choked out a sob.

"No. Oh please no."

He crawled to her body and cradled it in his arms. He could see Pip's little body no far away.

"No! No please! Please not them both. Please no..."

He rocked her back and forth. She was dead. She was gone.

"Please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me. Please."

She should have left. She should have left...

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I never told you how much I love you. I'm sorry I didn't get to hold you in my arms one last time. I'm sorry for every single stupid argument we had. For every stupid word that came out of my mouth. I'm sorry for the times I called you worthless. I won't get angry at you ever again. I won't hurt you anymore. Please, please don't leave me. Baby, please."

He sobbed into (Y/n)'s blood soaked chest.

"I love you. I wish I had realized it sooner. I should have kissed you more. I should have held you longer. I should have told you how much I love you. Every second of every day."

He weeped bitterly.

"I love you. I love you with everything I have. I love you..."

He choked on his words.

"Don't leave me..."

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