OVA 4: Dance Competition!!

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Its a bright, beautiful, day on Azur Island. But tonight, there is ganna be a dance off. Everyone is working hard to set the stage up.

We now head over to Y/N, who is helping setting up the stage.

Y/N: Your good! Bring it up a bit more! Aaaaaand stop!

Cleveland: *steps out of the crane* That's the last speaker right?

Y/N: Yup. Thanks Cleveland. *pats her head*

Cleveland: Hehe.

Enterprise: *from the roof* If you two will stop flirting we can get this done!

Y/N: I do what I want!

Enterprise: Why you!

Belfast: *walking towards Y/N* Hehe, she seems excited.

Y/N: *sighs* If you confuse excited with mad.

Belfast: Miss Enterprise is just excited for the dance. She and her group have been practicing for this. She really wants the reward.

Enterprise: I do not!!!

Y/N: Dont worry Enty! Ill only take away half of your rasons if you lose!

Enterprise: Touch them, and your ganna be swimming with the fishes!

Y/N: Ya Ya!

Belfast: So Master Y/N, is everything almost done?

Y/N: We just need the chairs and well be done.

Belfast: Already covered. The maids are gathering them up.

Y/N: Thanks Belfast.

Belfast: *smiles* No problem Master
Y/N. Now if you can excuse me, I must go help the others.

Y/N: Your excused. Bye Belfast.

Belfast: Good bye, Master Y/N. *leaves*

As Belfast walked away, she blushed a bit.

Belfast: *mind: I need to win this.*

Cleveland: Hehe, shes a determined one.

Y/N: Aren't all of y'all? That reminds me, I need to ask Oklahoma what the prise is.

Cleveland: *nervous* Y-Ya, I wont what it is.

Y/N: *stares* Cleveland. Do you know something that I don't?

Cleveland: What!? No! No no no no no no!

Y/N: *stares intensely*

Cleveland: Umm...hehe.

Kaga: *from backstage* Cleveland! Get back on the crane! We need to move this!

Cleveland: *mind: Thank god!* Sorry
Y/N, gatta go. Cya! *runs off*

Y/N: Okaaaay? I better go and check the others. *walks away*

Y/N walks to one of the dorms.

Y/N: She should be here. *knocks on ths door*

???: Nya!? Who is it, nya?

Y/N: Its me, Austin! *mind: Aww son of a b***h!*

???: Y/N!?

Y/N hears running as the girl he's talking to, opens the door, and hugs him.

Yamashiro: Y/N!! *looks up at him* Hi!

Yamashiro: Y/N!! *looks up at him* Hi!

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