Part six

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I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. Krist quietly walked up the stairs and opened the door, he stood still at the doorway and stared into my eyes. Something about his eyes looks different today, maybe he's just tired. After about three minutes, he slowly walked over to the bed and got under the covers. He pulled me closer to him. He rubbed his hands all over my chest.

"K- Krist? what are you doing?"

"I want you" he bit his lip and whispered into my ear.

"Krist...." I pushed away.

"Come on, it'll be fun" he giggled. I jumped up and got out of the bed.

"Krist this isn't a good idea" I gulped

"I know.." he chuckled. The doorbell rang and I sprung up.

"Hide" he whisper yelled to me. We had both guessed it was Dave. I hid under the bed again and looked invisible. Krist ran downstairs, grabbed a donut and answered the door like he was eating breakfast and nothing suspicious was going on.

"Hey Dave" he said chewing. I got nervous and started to shake a little.

"Krist!!" Dave sniffled "he's still gone!!"

"Man that's not good.. lets go searching around... 2PM. I'll meet you at your house"

"Okay, thanks man"

"No problem" Krist said goodbye and shut the door. It took him a minute to come back upstairs. Again, he helped me out from under the bed. Luckily, there were no condoms or other gross things in my hair this time.

"Around 2, just stay here with the doors locked. Leave this bedroom door locked too, just in case Dave does want to inspect. When I come home, if Dave's with me, I'll shout 'Dave' three times. and if its just me, ill knock on the door. Okay?"

"Okay" I sighed.

"Okay, I'm going to leave now" Krist said.

"Okay" I gulped, I was nervous.

"Remember what I said, now" he walked downstairs. I locked the bedroom door and Krist locked the other doors on his way out. I closed the blinds and curtains and turned off the lights. I thought to myself for a while.

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