Part five

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Around 10AM there was loud knock at the door. I sprung up, I guessed it was Dave. Quickly, I got under the bed and made my self look invisible. Downstairs, I heard Krist answer the door.

"Oh, hey Dave" Krist said. I closed my eyes and tried not to panic. All I know is Dave will demand an investigation of the house.

"Krist, don't lie to me... Where did you last see Kurt?" I heard Dave say.

"At your house the other day, why?"

"He's missing"

"That's horrible!! Check his old friend, Chad's house. He would go there first."

"Okay, I'll check. If you find him, tell him his sugar has a surprise at home for him" Dave left. I heard Krist walk up the stairs.

"Kurt?" He whispered. I peeked out from the bed skirt. "under here" I whispered back.

"Kurt, what on Earth are you doing under my bed?" Krist quietly shouted

"Hiding, so if Dave did an inspection, I wouldn't be dead meat." I still was under the bed.

"Well you can come out now, he's off to Chad's house, then probably Jason's place too" Krist shrugged. I squirmed out from under the bed. There was a sticky, wet condom stuck in my hair. "Get it out!!" I shook my head, refusing to touch it. Krist stood there laughing at me. "Krist..... you better get your sticky condom out of my hair before I shove it in your mouth!" I demanded. Krist finally helped me get the condom out of my hair, and he washed my hair too.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight" I walked upstairs. I laid in bed, trying to fall asleep. I'm so nervous. What if Dave does find me? I finally fall asleep.

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