Part twenty four

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Hate. Just pure, blood boiling hate. I never thought I'd feel this way this soon. I need to get away, and fast.

Our happy life ended one night during a party at Krist's house. I knew what he did, and from the look in my glassy eyes, he knew what I knew. Even though he was drunk, It doesn't matter. As he just stood there and stared at me, all of our memories whipped out of me and slapped me across the face, making me fall on my knees. He had sex with someone that night. Someone who wasn't me. I don't want to hear who's fault it was, I don't want to know anything else about it.

So here I am, walking out the door, once again. Don't know if I'll come back, or if he'll find me. Before I walked out the door, I looked around. We cooked in this kitchen, we ate at this table. We slept together in that bed. It was too much to take in at once, but I had to go. Off to Krist's house I go.

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