Hiding behind his smile

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pikatachi mother x child itachi

You are a single parent with two little boys, one was older than the other, he was 7 the other was 4 years old, they are both named itachi and sasuke, oh and you both adopted them, Itachi was a quiet yet smart fellow, very smart even though he was very young he was able to take care of sasuke for a year on the streets, but he was so determined that he didn't consider his own health, how you found them?
You were on your way back from the grocery store when you hear a child crying and calling out "nii san! hic nii-san! please wake up!!" you follow the sound to an ally way and find two little boys, the older one wasn't moving and the younger who look to be 3 years old  yelling for him to wake up, "whats wrong is he ok?!" you ask worried he gasps and holds his older brother protectively as he saw you, "its ok I'm here to help" you reassured, he was hesitant for a few minutes, holding a tearful yet firm stare at you, once he saw that you weren't lying, he spoke between sobs "my-hic.. My brother-hic-hic he's not m-hic moving-hic"
You look over at the other, he looked so pale and looks to be struggling to breath, taking him to the hospital would take time, luckily your place was just down the road "If you let me, i can help you and your brother my place is just down this road, i have a first aid with medicines that can cure your brother" again he was hesitant, but one look at his precious brothers pale face and the thought of losing him, made him nod at you, as you saw his nod you carry both into your arms and run home as fast as you could 'good thing I wore snickers'

"little one I'll need your help here if that's ok" you ask the little one  "anything for nii-san to get better" you smile at his determination "alright lets get to work!" he nods

".... Mm..mh" Itachi woke up to something warm atop of his head, as soon as his senses cleared, he noticed that he wasn't feeling sick anymore, he looks around and realized that he was in a bedroom '.....where am I?' he thought, itachi closes his eyes and tried to remember what happened, he remembers buying food with the money he got from the streets, sharing it with his brother then everything els was a blur, the only thing he remembered then was hearing the faint desperate voice of his little brother....
He shot his eyes open 'sasuke" where was his baby brother!?
itachi shot up and out of the bed "sasuke?!... sas-" but he stood up a lite too quickly that he immediately lost his balance and fell to the floor, and everything went dark once more

The next time he awoke, he could hear taking from his left, opening his eyes, he was first facing the ceiling before turning his head to the voices, as soon as he saw his bother he instantly called out in a crooked voice "sasu-cough cough!" "nii-san!" "whoa there buddy calm down" you pat his back a few times, then you give him some water, without a second thought he happily drinks the whole glass "you OK there buddy?" he nods before realization hit him, he jumps out of the bed grabbing his little brother and moves away from you
"who are you? where are we? what do you want with us?"
Although startled you reply
"The names (y/n), you are in my apartment, and you were sick so i brought you here and gave you medicine to recover"
the little boy still didn't believe you "nii-san you are ok, i thought i was going to be alone" the little one hugs the older tightly, "thank you miss, thank you!"
"hey its no problem"

Long story short you adopted them, after finding out the reason of why they were homeless, which happens to be that their parents were very abusive towards the older, it took time but he recovered with a lot of therapy, you enrolled them into school and they were happy about it, well, sasuke was, itachi was normally quiet but he's been too quiet for a few days now, you had a feeing that something was wrong with him

One day
"we're home!!" the happy voice of sasuke roared in the house "welcome back how was school?" you ask taking your eyes off the screen, Sasuke tells you about his day at school, how the girls were always over him, and how naruto, a friend of his, was such an idiot, as you listened you glance at itachi walking up the stares to his room with his head low, "nii sans been acting like that lately"
"is something wrong with him, is he sick again"
"don't look like it, i tried to ask but he just shoves it off"

that night
you knock on itachi's door, he opens it just a crack it was dark inside but you could make put his face, has he been crying?
"sweety can I come in?" you ask in a sweet motherly voice, He was hesitant but lets you in, you didn't bother switching on the lights, or opening the curtains  
"you've been acting....well, more quiet than usual, is something wrong?"
"....... I'm fine"
"itachi you know you can tell me anything, I'm your...well guardian and i want whats best for you" itachi went quiet "come here" you motion for him to sit on your lap, he was hesitant again but obliged "if you want to cry it's fine i wouldn't judge" you stoke his long hair as you said this, it was quiet again for a few seconds, and then "hic.. hic...Sob"
"that's it let it all out I'm here" 

After a few more minutes he finally tells you what's  been bothering him lately, turns out that he was being bullied at school and one time a teacher by the name of Oruchimaru has been stalking him, and once almost raped him, that message made you frozen in shock, "how long has this been going on?" you ask in disbelief, ".... before you found us"

Lets just say that that teacher was sent to the hospital and then jail later on, and with another round of therapy itachi was better again and after all of that he had some friends that really cared about him, itachi was.... Happy

"mama" you turn your attention to him, you got use to them calling you that even though you were only 18 "i know this is sudden but.... can i.... Sleep with you tonight" he blushes in embarrassment, you laugh a bit he was just too cute, "sure"
That night you Itachi and sasuke slept peacefully with bright smiles on your faces

Not a smut but i hope you like it

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