19) A New Friendship arises

Start from the beginning

“Well believe it.” I say. “Because it’s the truth.”

“Bea made you come.”  Kayla said. “Didn’t she?”

“She didn’t.”

“Oh?” she says, not quite believing me.

“She didn’t.” I say, laughing now. “I came on my own.”

“She did.”




“I bet she did.”

“She didn’t.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah. I came by myself.”

“Now, Why would you do that Harry Styles?”

“Because I care about you.”

“No. You don’t.” She said, shaking her head. “Liar.”

“I do. I do. I do-“

“Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.” She shouts.

“I DO. I do care about you.”

“Well. I think you’re lying.” She says, poking her tongue out at me.

“Oh really? Is that so hard to believe?”

“Yes. Yes it is.” She says. “Because I don’t believe anything liars tell me.”

“Well then-“ I began to say.

Kayla took a step forward, and stepped on a loose pebble, her eyes widened, and she threw her arms around to try and keep her balance. But it was no use. She toppled into the water, splashing around like a distressed Elephant.

I burst out laughing.  

“Harry!” She scolded, wiping her hair away from her eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I said, in between bursts of laughter. “You just look like a-“

“Help me up.” Kayla said,  “C’mon. If you care about me so much.”

“All right.” I said, not thinking straight.

As my hand closed around her wet, slimy one. We locked eyes for a second, and I was thinking about how pretty her dark brown hair looked with her hazel eyes when – Wham! She sends me sprawling into the river.

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