Chapter 8

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SY: SuA wake up! It's time
SuA mumbled but didn't seem to wake up
SA: Oh my God Siyeon... Okay I'm waking up...
SY: You've got 10 minutes to leave
She quickly ran to the toilet. Siyeon smiled to herself because she had actually one hour but she wanted her to wake up
SA: Okay Siyeon, I'm ready!
SY: Cool so now sit down and wait.... 40 minutes
SY: I was bored
SA: What the.. Okay... Never mind
SY: You've got a breakfast on the table
SA: Thanks... By the way.. Thank you for yesterday. I wasn't afraid at all thanks to you
SY: No problem. That's my job
SA: But you didn't need to hold my hand and stayed with me. You didn't even need to come inside
SY: Yeah you're right. But I wanted to
SA: Why?
SY: You know... You're kinda... Special for me. Since this night.. You know which one... I... Started to looking you like a person that I know for a long time. Because we were close and It made me comfortable with you
SA: ohhh I see... Hm... I feel comfortable with you too... You are... A very important person for me. I know that we know each other not long but I wanted to ask yo-
JU: Hey girls did you wake up?
SY: Yeah, SuA will finish a breakfast and we can go
JU: Cool, see ya then!
Then Siyeon turned to SuA
SY: Sorry, you wanted to ask me something
SA: Ymm.. No no. Sorry that's nothing not yet.. That's too soon...
SA: Siyeon?
SY: Hm?
SY: I'm glad that you are my Bodyguard
She smiled
SA: I'm glad that I can save you


SY: Okay, now girls please be close to me. I'll save you with the other bodyguards. I'll go at the end
JU: Okay, be save
SY: Let's go

Siyeon, the staf and the girls, rushed through the crowd of fans.  Siyeon focused primarily on Sua, who seemed so tiny among thousands of fans.  Siyeon protected girls from falling and insured them from advancing fans.  At one point she was so close to SuA that she could instruct her with fragrant hair that smelled of flowers and the most beautiful of the scents on this earth.  She felt her belly explode right away from the feelings she feels for the girl.  She also felt a big responsibility and knew that nothing could happen to her.

In the end everyone came inside and could breathe for a moment.

SY: Hey girls are you okay? No one is hurt or feels bad?
JU: I think we are all okay. Thank you Siyeon, good job. They were everywhere
SY: No problem
DM: Should we go prepare?
JU: Yeah, come on
SY: I'll be outside saving a doors

And they went inside. Siyeon was protecting a doors.
-H-hey... Ummm... Is Dreamcatcher here? - said a little girl to Siyeon
-Yeah... Why?
-I'm a big fan... I mean... I... Really love them, they are everything to me... I went to the concert...
-Shall I ask them that they have a time? - I smiled
-Oh wow, could you?- she asked shocked
-Yes, of course, wait a minute
Siyeon knocked a door and entered to the room.
-Hey girls.... Have you got a minute for a little cutie?
SA: For you? Always--She smiled
GH: SuA what the fuck
JU: Sure, take her here

Siyeon took a little girl inside and saw how happy she was. She really loved them...
Suddenly she looked at SuA. She was no makeup... But... She looked so natural and...
,,Ohh what I am thinking about''
Girls singed an album and they did a photo with their little fan. That was so cute

JU: See you in the concert!
Girl: Thank you so much, I love you!
And I took her outside
-Thank you... For the chance
-No problem sweetie. That was a pleasure
-What's your name?
-Lee Siyeon
-Thank you then... You've got a beautiful name
-Thank you! See you later!
-See you - She waved to Siyeon and walked away

,,That was nice''

Suddenly Siyeon felt a hand on her back and automatically turned around and pushed the person to the wall without looking who is it
-S-sua? What are you doing? I could hurt you
-That was damn hot Lee Siyeon. I want more-she said with her dreamy eyes
-SuA, I'm in work. And you are also-
And then Siyeon felt a lips on hers. They were so soft but a kiss was powerful and thirsty.
The younger woman moved away from the older one
-SuA, I can't, we have to focus on the work
-S-siyeon...I can't handle it... I'm... I'm wet, please....
-Wet, because?
-You make me wet...
-I won't be your sex buddy. I'm your bodyguard
-Sure, so I'm going to the toilet then

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