Chapter 2

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JiU's pov.

I woke up at 9 a.m to prepare myself to the meeting. I went to the kitchen and saw these kids cooking and doing a big mess
-What the-
GH: Hey unnie! Wanna join us?
-No Gahyeon I have to prepare myself to the meeting, I have to eat something quickly
SA: Maybe I should cook something for you?
-No no, SuA don't even touch something in the kitchen, I'm so afraid of all of us and our dorm
SA: So funny... By the way, have you seen my bodyguard already?
-How would I see her if today I have a first meeting with her?
SA:Yeah but you could stal-.... Ekhem I mean... Haven't you-
DM: Someone stalked her bodyguard haha
SA: Shut up okay?!
-words my dear
SA: Alright mum
-I'm not... Okay actually I'm... But that means that you are my kids so liste no me
YH: Ohhh family dramas I like it
-Hey honey
YH: Hey baby
She kissed me
GH: Disgusting...
DM: Okay stop. Sua, show us this girl
She took her phone and show them her new bodyguard
HD: Oh My God you are so lucky
GH: She's really pretty
-Okay show me
I looked at her photos and she is really pretty. Why a pretty girl like her is a bodyguard?

At 12:30 a.m I left the house and went to the company on the meeting. I knew how she looked like so I was less nervous

I arrived to the agency and came to the principal's office. When I came I saw a girl in the suit sitting on the chair

-Ohh Ms.Minji!
-This is Ms.Lee Siyeon, Ms.Bora's new bodyguard
-Hello my name is Kim Minji, I'm a leader of Dreamcatcher, nice to meet you

Siyeon's pov.

-Hello my name is Kim Minji and I'm a leader of Dreamcatcher, nice to meet you - she gave me the brightest smile what I ever seen in my whole life
-H-hello I'm Lee Siyeon, nice to meet you
-Can we go already?
-Sure, you can call me if you'll need something
-Sure, come with me - she said to me
We left the office and it was a big silence between us
-So...hmm tell me about you I'm Lee Siyeon but you know it already... What can I say... I'm 24 years old and I've been working as a bodyguard for 6 years
-Wow you're so young! U mean, you started at the age of... 18?
-Exactly... My first group that I took care of was Gfriend, and then after a year I went to Red Velvet. And now... I'm with you
-I've heard that you are one of the best bodyguards in Korea... How?
-How? I don't understand
-I mean... You are so pretty and shy as I see. You can be whoever you want, so why this job?
-Ahh thank you so much... Why... You know I've always cared about the people more than about myself. So I wanted to protect people because I think that's my mission in life
-Wow okay... I didn't expect this answer but you impressed me
-Well... We are here, come in!

We went inside the dorm and entered the living room where I saw 5 people who got up and went to me

JU: Okay girls introduce yourselfs
DM: Hey! I'm Dami
GH: Hey I'm a maknae Gahyeon!
HD: Hello I'm Chinese member, Handong
-You've got a beautiful eyes!
HD: T-thanks...
YH: Hey I'm Yoohyeon
SA: I-I'm Sua... H-Hey
-Oh hey! So is that you! I knew cause I stalked you on Instagram haha
DM: You fit together
Other girls expect SuA and me bursted into laughter
-What do you mean?
JU:Completely nothing
YH: By the way.... You should know something about us.... Well...
JU: Me and Yoohyeon are together. Is that something that might be a problem for you?
-No no of course not. I'm happy that you are together, and I'm with you
GH: Wow she's so nice
DM: Be my girlfriend
GH/HD: Dami what the...
We looked at them
SA: Something strange is happening, let's move from here. Come Siyeon, I'll show you your room

I followed her and we came to the pink room
-Do you like pink? We can change it if you want
-No no that's okay. The most important is bed
-Excuse me?
-No no it's not.... Yes It sounded strange. But I meant a comfortable thing to sleep
-Ahh sure haha. Do you need something?
-I think that I have everything
-Okay cool so... I have a room right next to yours so you can come to me if you'll need something
-Great, thank you

And she left. But I still feel her scent... She is so....addictive?

SuA's pov.

Oh God that's too much, she is too perfect.

Bodyguard and her Lover | Suayeon |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang