Chapter 7

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SuA's pov.

I woke up early because it was 7a.m. Siyeon was sleeping so I could take a chance to leave the room

To: Yoohyeon 🙄

Hey can we talk?

SuA it's 7 am


Okey wait

I was waiting for 5 minute until Yoohyeon finally went from her room
-Hey SuA
-I'm sorry...
-Ohh don't worry. But you have to help me
-Oh... Okay
-Come with me
We went to the big guests room and sat down on the coach.
-Okay listen... It's about Siyeon
-Do you love her?
-What the fuck Yoohyeon
-Actually... Yes. But It's not the most important. Because... We did something two days ago... And...
-Did you two have a sex?!
-Be quiet idiot!
-Sorry haha. But am I right?
-Yeah... It was pretty strange situation but never mind. I wanna ask her. But... Ahhh I don't know how. How did you ask Minji?
-I just said,,Do you wanna be my girlfriend? ''
-You're very stupid Kim Yoohyeon. I meant... How did it happen. That... You were somewhere or...
-We were during... THIS
-Be quiet, now you!
-But I'd prefer to do it somewhere else
-For example?
-I'd like to take her to the very special place...
-Like Paris?
-I don't know why Paris is so romantic. Not place makes this moment romantic but people. So you and her. It depends of you
-You're right... But should buy her something?
-Just say it, daaamnnnn
-Omg I'm so nervous okay?
-I know. But, isn't it too early?
-You know... You don't know her too long
-But butterflies aren't a reason? Or that she's making me happy even when she's standing next to me?
GH: Who is standing next to you?
-What are you doing here?
GH: You are guys too loud...
YH: sorry kid
GH: Don't call me that!
- Gahyeonnie?
GH: Yes unnie?
-Do you wanna help us?
YH: Us? I didn't agree to anything
- But you want me to forgive you, right?
YH: Okay omg
GH: So?
-Soo I'm going to ask Siy-
-I didn't even finish a sentence!
GH: But I ship you and Siyeon since the beginning
-Do you? So you wanna help us?
GH: Of course? What should I do?
YH: Find a good place
-But outside
GH: Great! Can I tell anyone?
-Ugh I don't know... Okay you can but don't let Siyeon know, or I'll kill you all
GH: Suuure
SY: Why are you guys here?
YH: We should be asking you
SY: No, I wake up almost everyday at 8 a.m because I have a running session
YH: Yeah, you're right

SY: So what are you doing here?
GH: SuA couldn't sleep and she woke us up
Siyeon looked at me
SY:You could wake up me instead of your friends. They need to sleep to perform
-And you need to sleep to protect me
SY: I'll protect you even during my sleep
YH: You guys are too cute
SY: What?
-Nothing! She is just tired. Wasn't you going on the running session?
SY: You guys are so strange. See you later!
I came closer to her and gave  a kiss in the cheek
-See you later, be safe
SY: Ymmm t-thanks?
And she left. I came back to girls
JU: Wow that was cool Sua
-Minji? Why the hell everybody are here?
JU: Because you are too loud guys. But SuA what was that?
YH: She just wants to ask Siyeon to be her girlfriend. That's it
JU: Oh really? That's cute! Can we help?
-Just tell me when... And where...
GH: We'll find a place, but when? I don't know
DM: You'll know I think
HD: Exactly, you'll feel it. Anyway, we are with you, remember
-Thank you girls...
JU: I'll change a topic because it's important. We have a reaserch today. We didn't do it in Korea so we'll do it here
-needle again?
JU: Oh come on you'll survive it


Bora was waiting for her turn. She was so nervous
SY: Hey SuA, are you okay?
SA: Yup, just nervous

,,Kim Bora! ''

SA: Ohh it's my turn... See you later

Siyeon turned to Gahyeon
-Hey what's wrong with her?
-She's afraid of needles so... It's difficult to her

Siyeon stand up and knocked a door. She enter a room and saw sua sitting on the chair and waiting for blood donation
-Mr.Lee, can I enter?
-Thank you
She came closer to SuA and took her left hand
-Hey SuA, look at me
She looked at the younger
-Look in my eyes and don't mind about the needle. I'm here
-Thank you Siyeon...-she smiled
-Are you nervous about the concert?
-Not really... I think we'll do a good job
-You will! Have you ever been in Spain?
-No, it's my first time, but one day I'd like to come back here

,,Thank you Ms.Kim. That it''
-Oh really?
-Yes. You have a big luck to have a girlfriend like her
-S-she isn't my girlfriend
-Oh sorry... Friend
-She's my bodyguard actually...
-Oh so... She protected you from the pain.
-Yes she is perfect isn't she?
-Yes she is
-Okay, let's go, thank you Mr.Lee

They left the room
-Hey SuA!
Siyeon took a lollipop and gave to the girl in front of her
-You were so brave!
-Haha you are so cute! But it is thanks to you...
Siyeon smiled and took older's hand. Then she kissed the wound
-You are so gentle Ms.Lee Siyeon
-And you are so brave Ms. Kim Bora


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